Monday 1 February 2010

New Beginings

Lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start, when we read we begin with ABC, when we travel we begin at home!

I live, lived at number 2 Winllan, Llanbrynmair, until a few months ago. A sweet little house that I shared with my then partner, Mark. We also owned a very large workshop and an even larger area of woodland where we had played at den building, tipi camping, river clearing and had huge fire burning
parties over the past seven years.

Yet time moves on and all things change

Mark wishes to settle down, I wish to begin my travels and so we have decided to split our assets, he will keep the workshop, I get the house to rent out and the land will soon be money in the bank. On August the 14th 2010, I shall be leaving the country for at least a year to explore a new life and a new way of living.

I begin this blog to remember where I began. Let the journey continue..........