Sunday 24 May 2015

Blog 28, Time to head home

I have now been home in the UK for 5 weeks which puts me nicely six weeks behind again so it is time to update the news!!

Having spent a week on the island eating healthily and simply I can only describe my return to Singapore as 'rich'!!

Not only was I back in the world of ice-cream and chocolate, but I also had ten days in which to indulge all my desires in Singapore.

Lisa had coped fantastically during my absence and Emelia was now beginning to pay attention to things around her.

Our afternoons by the pool became times of smiles and stimulation in between her naps.

Swim nappies were sourced allowing us all to enjoy the warm waters of the hot tub.

Even the smallest nappies were enormous as I don't think anyone expected a child so young to love swimming so much!

Emelia was a natural in the water relaxing peacefully as if she were in her bath not floating in a large pool.

Basic swim motions were explained?

Before she was wrapped in new fluffy towels ready for her evening bath!!

This was one clean baby!!

Between the swims,Lisa and I drew up a short list of things to be done before I left while Emelia occupied the rest of our time.

Number One on the list was to dye my hair Blue! I had already sourced the place, the price and the colour before I had left for langkawi, now all that remained was to turn up at the shop and get it done! With Steve in work, Emelia safely in her wrap Lisa and I headed out to China town to do the deed.

The boy in the shop spoke NO English, we spoke NO Malay so with the aid of a passing couple I made my request (the last time I had visited there had been an English speaker amongst the staff!!) Details were discussed between the couple and my hair dresser while Lisa and I looked on a wee bit baffled!

My request was confirmed by the couple, relayed to the hair dresser and looking rather bored by the whole thing, the boy led me into the shop and work began.

Potions and lotions were mixed and spooned onto my hair, fumes filled the small space and Lisa retired to the corridor outside to recover.

The bleach was removed and the colour was combed through leaving me with a chemical soup on my head.

Twenty minutes later the soup was washed away and the hair dryer was found. Fluffing and puffing, blowing and brushing followed as the boy tweeked and twisted my hair into its final resting place.

Dark blue now peeped through my normal hair while blue highlights shone in the day light.

Thrilled with my new look we treated ourselves to feet massages and nail polishing before heading off to the shops for a touch more retail therapy!

Although the wrap kept Emelia safe and asleep, the temperature of Singapore was steadily rising and Lisa's back was suffering not only from Emelia's increasing weight but also from the heat. A pram was needed.

Steve was consulted, Emelia was given the job of test driving, I studied the accessory rack while Lisa studied the specifics and reviews.

A good few hours later they had made their choice and Emelia drove out of the shop in her new buggy …

only to be picked up and put back into the wrap 50m later as we deposited all the shopping into the now empty buggy …. !

My Birthday arrived and passed with some amazing gifts from all my new friends.

We had a Girls day out with fish pedicures and manicures.

We got back rubs, feet rubs, nails painted and dinner out!

In the evening we had a Pizza party at the condo – the menu consisted of chocolate, pizza's, sweets and chocolate, a few biscuits and some pizza with a few plates of chocolate! … Oh and long craft balloons!

A perfect party!!

With the food consumer, the balloons twisted and popped, we all sat down by the pool until late drinking wine while the children and men played in the pool …

such a difficult start to my reverse 35th year!!

With now only a few days left until my flight home a trip was organised to the Bird Park at Junrong.

Emelia was now getting the hang of her new pram and travelling for days out was getting easier and easier.

Jurong Bird park is fantastic, penguins get fed to the delight of the crowds, as do the hawks as they fly en-mass overhead.

Acrobatic displays woo the crowds, while sign posts give information to those pausing long enough to read.

We walked, we talked and we rested and read the signs,

then we headed to the water park!!

As Emelia slept on happily, the boys changed into swim wear

and Evie devoured fabulous ice-cream.....

Before heading into the water fountains to wash off.

The water park is superb and my desire to be ten years old with bathers knew no bounds!

I paddled, helped children down slides,

organised fountain lying parties,

and took selfies of the back of my head just so I could see my blue hair!!

I splashed and jumped, kicked and danced, slid and slipped until it was time to head home for a swim in one of the condo pools!!

After all our fabulous days out, we then had the huge decision, each evening, of which food hall to dine at!!

Sometimes we headed out as a group with children and scooters, sometimes Lisa, Steve and I went alone with a pushchair and shopping basket.

The day before my flight, Lisa and I walked around the huge lake at Lakeside,

mainly because it was there and had been there all the time I had been living next door to it!

Together, we three generations of girls, strolled through lush gardens,

discovered new ideas,

and interesting concepts.

We sat and gazed at statues hidden away down tiny pathways where lizards bathes in the sun,

We strolled past beautiful pagodas and lakes, enjoying our last day together.

On our way home, we spent an hour looking at all the rescued turtles at the Turtle museum,

we watched the fish spiral their large tank into a whirlpool,

and marvelled at the strange yet lethal hunting skills of the captive prehistoric creatures.

We fed the terrapins, fed ourselves and as the sun began to drop we headed back to the condo.

My flight wasn't until the wee hours of the morning so we still had time for a final meal with the crowd,

with of course a visit to the park.

Over the four months I had been in Singapore, our three families had become friends. All the children and grown ups now called me Ippy, I felt part of this extended family and I was sad to leave.

I had also acquired so many gifts during my travels that my departure looked quite extreme! No longer did I just own a bag that I could slip over a shoulder and wander where I wished. A pull bag, back pack plus carrier bag with my UK boots and coat hung from my shoulders and arms, thank goodness the MRT was only 500m away.

I kissed my grand daughter and daughter goodbye, hugged Steve

and headed down the lift and into the warm night air.

Tomorrow I would awake in the UK, the day after I would open the Workshop to the public.

Another season awaited, new ideas, new people, new adventures.

But in eight months time I would be back on a flight bound for Singapore – I was a Grand Mother now! I had responsibilities lol x x x