Friday 19 March 2010

Twenty Four Hours in Edinbugh!!

Hi Everyone

It is time for an update I think, I have begun a mission to visit someone, every weekend that I am not working, between now and my Big Trip! Lou was the first and once I recovered from the 4am bedtimes I travelled up to Edinburgh to spend the weekend with my Sister Fleur!! ….and what a trip.... do enjoy the story …..

Twenty-four Hours in Edinburgh!!!

What an amazing weekend I have just had. Full on, non stop, brilliant fun!

Having worked all day Friday, first in the school, followed by a meeting with my supervisor at 1.30pm, I was in the Leisure Centre for work at 2pm, finished there at 7.30pm and was on the road, freshly showered and dressed by 8pm!!

The drive up was straightforward, even for me and I arrived in the centre of Edinburgh at 1.30am. As soon as I saw the Castle I knew I was going to be OK, having walked around it so many times on my trip last year and I amazingly found Fleur's flat without a hitch. The huge Tramway road works have now moved from Princess Street to outside the flat, making the whole area a massive one way system, luckily all going in the direction I wanted to go. I phoned a very surprised and sleepy Fleur from the bottom of the staircase saying 'Open the door Babes I'm here!!'

Twenty minutes later we were in bed asleep with a huge evolving plan bedding into our sleepy heads for the next day.

I defiantly chose the right weekend, weather wise, to head up North. The day was glorious! I wandered off about 8am to move the car, before the 8.30am charge began, parking being extortionate that close to the city centre. I headed down various side roads towards the Murryfield Stadium, where I'd parked the car for the week the last time we came up. I will admit to noticing large yellow notices saying something about the rugby, but I didn't pay that much attention and walked the mile back to Fleurs in the fabulous morning sun, chanting happily as I went.

Fleur had arranged a surprise Baby shower for Sassy, her close friend, for later that afternoon. Sassy had only two more weeks to go, so it was this weekend or never! A quick tidy around the house, while Elliot helped by watching the Grand Prix heats at high volume to drown out the sound of the hover, was followed by the arrival of Marie, complete with balloons and presents for the soon to arrive Baby.

Introductions and hugs were exchanged along with a quick catchup between Fleur and Marie, while we decided what to do with the rest of the morning. Eventually it was decided that we would all visit the Botanical Gardens as Fleur had invites to an Art Exhibition opening there that day. The Artist himself had given her the tickets at her Godiva Promotional Launch the previous Thursday. Scarf's and jackets were donned, cameras packed and the three of us drove up to the Gardens in Marie's car, parking miraculously right next to the entrance!

Leisurely we wandered around in our fashionable jackets and shawls, admiring all the brown stuff, as there wasn't that much green stuff around. We warmed ourselves in the huge palm house, admiring the splendid array of orchards, before venturing outside again to sit and smoke a cigarette in the cloud dodging sun, gazing out towards Edinburgh Castle on its magnificent rock in the distance. I set fire to the drain in front of us, as I tossed my cig butt into it. Fleur became the hero of the hour and sorted the problem with efficiency and speed, after we had sat there for about three minutes wondering if it would go out by itself!

A few photos of the sisters together, artfully done with the Castle in the background and it was time to enter the exhibition. We picked up our complimentary glasses of wine and juice and headed in through the large doors, only to be told that no drinks could be brought into the Gallery! We returned to the sunshine, downed our beverages and tried again.

To say I do not fully understand Modern Art is the understatement of the year! Strange finger paintings of multiudinal colours adorned huge canvases. My entire Primary school would have loved to have made one and have done so, I seem to remember! Plain photos in simple frames with squares or dots painted onto the outside glass held a meaning that was lost on me, and the pile of hair grips I nearly picked up, thinking that someone had dropped a packet!

On the staircase to the second floor we met the Artist, who was so pleased that Fleur had made it to his event. We made the right noises, kissed the right cheeks and moved onto the second floor. More strange canvasses adorned the walls, I wandered, trying to look inspired until I turned a corner. There in the distance, through two doorways I saw the most amazing picture. Still abstract, in blues and greens, sweeping colours rather than dots and fine yellow lines. A heavily pregnant woman was there, three friends huddled together, two people embracing. The more I looked the more I saw as one line merged into another like the candlestick or the two faces phenomenon.

'Subtle Biology' the guide informed us was the name of the canvas and it was very impressive and cleverly done. I actually found a second painting I liked too so just maybe there is hope for me yet!

Having performed our hour or two of cultural education, Fleur and I headed into town and the shops leaving Marie to pick up the things she needed and park the car up for the day. During our discussions that morning we had decided that the perfect gift, for the soon to appear baby, would be a Wedgwood Beatrice Potter Peter Rabbit set, consisting of a bowl, plate and cup. Fleur had had one as a child and so had Lisa, and both still cherished the slightly battered sets to this day.

With this gift firmly in our thoughts we entered the first large department store. This was soon followed by a second and third large department store and our ideas on the perfect gift began to waver. Having walked the entire length of Princess Street and rapidly running out of time we were told to try John Lewis's by a very helpful sales lady in Frasiers! John Lewis was at the other end of town and the time was now 2.15! People were due to start arriving at the flat at 3pm!!! But the dream of the perfect gift was still there. A bus was caught to speed us to the other end of the road. On a mission we marched our way against the growing rugby crowd into the Mall and up the various levels of yet another store.

In the very quiet china department we found the gift sets. Monster's, Trucks, The Hungry Caterpillar, Pink Ballerinas adorned the shelves, Winne the Poo, complete in its own tin but no Peter Rabbit. We had now run out of time so despondently we picked up the Hungry Caterpillar Set and headed for the till. Credit card was handed over, the amount was keyed in, I mentioned we had looked everywhere for Peter Rabbit to no avail and then the guy next to our Sales Assistant says “I'm sure they has some on the next floor up!” I looked at Fleur, she looked at me, the card was removed, the box abandoned on the counter as we called “We wont be long” to our stunned Sales girl.

By now we were on a major mission. Having come this far we had to see this through to the bitter end. Escalators carried us upwards to our goal, people melted into oblivion as we visually scoured the shelves. We were side tracked for a fraction of a second by some lovely bath products designed exclusively for babies, until there on a display stand, just to our right, we found exactly what we had been looking for. A boxed set of Peter Rabbit, plate, bowl and mug.

The box was cradled back to our Sales girl, credit card was reinserted, pin was entered and we were away. 2.30pm and we were still at the wrong end of town. Another bus was caught, food was collected at a run as we passed Coop, legs were pushed to their limits as we scaled the 71 steps back to the flat but we had done it. Perfect gift and home in the nick of time!!!

Sassy had been told she was coming to a gathering for Fleurs Birthday so the whole thing was a huge surprise when she walked in half and hour late. Balloons filled the lounge, Cava filled the sideboard and food covered the table. Gifts were given, glasses filled and the whole afternoon became a happy if loud affair!!


The Baby shower continued with more and more people arriving bearing gifts and cakes. Thousands of people milled around on the road outside the flat, heading down towards Murryfield, ready for the 5pm kick off. Inside the flat the TV sat in silence, while the pictures from the stadium flashed across its screen.

We sat and chatted, ate and drank, all the while quietly eyeing the TV screen for the latest score. For the last 15 minutes of the game, the music was turned off and the sounds from the stadium were cranked up. The room became absorbed in the game, cries of encouragement, screams of objection filled the room as the final whistle drew closer. A 15/15 draw was eventually conceded, after a very tense final two minutes and the game was over.

Marie's parents had been at the game and we had all agreed to meet up afterwards for a meal in the Chinese restaurant around the corner from Fleur. It would take them a while to leave the stadium and arrive at the restaurant, so we continued our drinks, while hanging out the window, four floors above the rapidly filling streets. In a matter of minutes, the whole of the Avenue was filled to overflowing, as English and Scots worked their way back into the city centre. The mood was subdued. No-one had lost, yet no-one had won either. The boundary between road and pavement soon disappeared as the throngs march quietly onwards. Cars caught up in the march simple drove at 3 miles an hour, subdued like the crowd. From our raised viewpoint Fleur remarked on how Lowery the whole scene was. Tiny figures in the street lights, match stick men and cats and dogs!

As quickly as they arrived, they were gone, odd stragglers wound their way to now overcrowded bars. Our guests in the flat, emptied their glasses, all evidence of the gathering was removed to the kitchen, hugs and best wishes were bequeathed and silence fell on the place. Well it would have if we had been able to find our jackets, boots, cameras, bags etc. etc. etc.!!!

71 stone steps to the road, 171 steps around the corner and I was introduced to Andy and Cush, Marie's parents and long time friend of my Father! Ross was there with his new Lady ('remarkably normal' had been Marie's observation, when she had told us about her earlier that evening!), the red wine was flowing as was the white. Stories abounded around the table as dinner was ordered, more amusing antidotes were related as the evening progresses and more red wine flowed. The description of Papa's boat would have amused him, yet both Fleur and I defended her durable and ever pervading longevity, by stating that she was still afloat and seaworthy despite Andy's misgivings!!

Having filled the restaurant with our presence, there were 13 of us around that table, insulted, justly as Andy exclaimed, the English, and having put the world to rights, it was time to move on. Marie left to collect her boyfriend from the Airport, following his return from France, the parents and Ross returned to their hotel, the others sat for a while longer finishing their drinks as Fleur and I returned to the flat.

It was still only 10.30, early, as Fleur said. I, however, was still recovering from the drive, she was recovering from her launch a few days earlier and so we hung out of the window, watching the now quiet street, smoking and chatting about our pasts, and our futures, until the clock struck midnight!


Fleur woke at the ridiculous time of 6am. I rolled over and went back to sleep while she dozed in and out of consciousness until 9am. With the one way system now against me, I decided to explore my route back onto the A702 while I did my rounds that morning. The day was once again beautiful as I headed out and up to the main junction with Princess Street. The signs were many, bedraggled kilted men wandered aimlessly, as I worked out which way I would need to go. Rounds completed and with a firm plan in my mind, I headed back to the flat.

As I walked past the 'Pay and Display' machine on the final stretch, I noticed the sign that said 'Parking Mon to Sat ….' no charge on a Sunday! Brilliant, I could move the car now and be ready to leave mid afternoon. I hastily climbed the 71 large stone steps up to Fleur's front door, only to discover the car keys were already in my coat pocket. With a 'back soon' I turned, descended the 71 very large stone steps to the main road and began the mile walk to the car.
The walk was wonderful. Beautiful sunshine, no breeze and so, so quiet. I rounded the final corner to my car and stopped dead. No Car!! Yes, this was defiantly where I had parked it. Stunned, and not quite sure what to do, I looked for the yellow signs that had been there the day before but they had all gone. I phoned Fleur. Suggestions please, I enquired? I began to walk back while I called Peter. Kindly he offered to come fetch me but that would still leave my car missing. 'Call the police' he said, for if it had been stolen I needed to report it, or if it had been towed, they would have been notified. I continued my walk back to Fleur's reaching the corner just before the flat when she phoned me with phone numbers of the police and the tow centre that closed at 11.30am. It was now 10.30am.

I sat down on a nearby step and called the first number. Which department did I require? I didn't have a clue!I explained that I had 'misplaced' my car and was put through to a lovely Scottish lady who took my details and car registration. A quick scan of the computer and I was informed that my car was parked outside No 2 Cregly Cresent. I apologised profusely for the inconvenience I had caused them and enquired as to how much I owed them. 'Oh, there is no charge' the sweet lady told me, they had simple needed to move my car as it was in the way for the Rugby!!

Happily I stood up clutching the piece of paper with the new location written on and once more walked the mile, to the street where I had originally parked. The car couldn't be that far I reasoned. Once back in Murryfield Place however, I realised I didn't have a clue where to even start looking. As I stood gazing pointlessly around the place, a big Black Cab pulled up outside the Café across the road. I smiled as I walked purposefully towards the large man sitting behind the wheel.

'Excuse me', I enquired, 'could you tell me where Cregly Crescent is?'

'Where?!!' he drawled back, 'Creiglie?' I smiled. He looked at me with a puzzled expression.'There is a Creigiee Cresent the far side of town, by the Ski Slope, is that the one yr after?!'

'One moment,' I told him and called the police station again, 'Cregly? Oh Craighly, No?... Craigliee?.... yes, the Taxi man is here with me. Oh!.... She wants to talk to you!' I handed my phone to the kindly taxi Driver. 'Craigleigh Crescent, Yes Lass no problem, I'll take her there myself!' He handed me back the phone, recognition and understanding, with a definite hint of suffering patience, on his face.

Three corners, two avenues and a long boulevard later, he pull up behind my beautifully parked car. £5.00 was handed over, along with my profuse thanks. Tentatively I asked which way was the main road, my sense of direction having returned to its usual non existent state. A flurry of word flew from his mouth. I recognised the words 'Right' and 'Left' somewhere in the conversation but the rest was lost in the translation! I smiled broadly, as if I had understood every word, thanked him again and waved him farewell.

I got into my car, turned in the direction that we had just come from and headed off surrendering to the Universe to see me safely home. At the first junction I came to I spotted the spires of St Mary's, the Church across the road from Fleur's, peering above the skyline. I had been saved yet again and was home in five minutes. It was still only 11.15am. My day was still in its infancy and already I had survived a wonderful adventure, met some interesting people and been through a part of the city I had never seen before. Happily I climbed the 71 extremely large stone steps to the top floor and related my excursions to Fleur!

Too soon we were on our way back down the steps to visit Godiva's, Fleur's Boutique. She had had a huge clear out since my last visit, giving the shop a feeling of clarity and space, uncluttered yet still full of things to see, try, touch. A seating area had been added just inside the doorway, coffee or herbal teas were there for the taking.

A new designer had been added to her collection, and the spring collections of her established girls filled the bays.

As I wandered and clicked away with my camera, Fleur arranged our lunch, phoning to check availability and opening hours. Once again we were on the move, winding our way through the narrow streets and cobbled roads to meet up with Fleur's old flat mate. Fruit juices, Ceasar salads, hummus, spiced potato wedges and warm breads soon filled the table as we all chatted, drank and generally enjoyed the lunchtime moment. The time was now approaching 3pm, the hour I had set myself for departure.

We said our good byes, walked back to the flat via the castle and a last photo opportunity, before climbing the 71 now enormous and steep stone steps for the last time. It is no wonder my sister is so slim and fit!!

Bags were collected, a final cig was shared as we gazed out of the window, we shall both be giving up again in the morning, and I was gone. A wonderful, fun filled, mind stimulating, sense exploration, absolutely brilliant weekend with photos and happy memories to keep forever.

The End!

I hope you enjoyed my story xxx do tell me yours!!! xxx

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