Sunday 24 October 2010

That's Show- business!!

As I am sure most of you are aware, if you have seen Facebook lately, I have entered the arena of the Stage. My father has made a living over the past 17 years singing for his supper around the Hotels and Restaurants of Moorea. When I arrived here 4 weeks ago I found myself singing along as he practised in his kitchen upstairs. Within a day of that humble beginning, I was handed a microphone and asked to join him!

Each day that week we practised the songs I knew, we worked out a key common to us both, no easy feat as we sing at the edge of each others range!

I learnt new choruses to join and by Friday, a mere 5 days after my arrival, I was seated next to Pape in Le Sud Restaurant singing for my super too!

We sang in Luciano's, the most amazing Pizzaria, on the Sunday.

We practised again all week at home and by the following weekend we had co-ordinated our clothing, worked out a lose repertoire and were looking good!

During the next week, Pape (ever the Scotch-man) sat down and worked out our basic living expenses now that there were two of us in the house. Including my new monthly medical insurance, all our food, petrol, basic overheads etc. he assessed we needed to work 3 nights a week. After this anything we made was technically profit, if I hadn't consumed it in Chocolate ice-cream each time we worked!

At the moment we had 2 firm bookings a week, 3 if you included our appearance at Tipaniers every other weekend. We needed another night!

The following week things sort of snowballed. In other words Kerriann got an idea and ran full pelt with it for a week. PUBLICITY!! I dragged my poor father down into my flat one evening and with the timer button on overdrive I took a load of Black and White photos of the classic Publicity Pose.

I then got the laptop out and wrote a letter of introduction to expand Pape's tiny info sheet. Very soon our first tentative flyer took shape. A joint Facebook Profile was set up -Ronn-Kerriann Falconer- complete with the beginning photos and information about us.

Next came a Facebook Group that we out grew within 2 days. Then came the Facebook Page! Ron-Kerriann Falconer.

Information flowed around the network, Uschi also working overtime as ideas flowed in. E-mails, friend additions, Likes, advice and photos appeared daily. The dates of our established appearances were published, Events were displayed, links were made between ourselves and the restaurants were performed at.

Friends from all over the world did their bit, linked their friends and helped to create a huge network of information. By the end of the week I was exhausted!

We sang again that weekend, friends coming to support us now that we had let it be known where we were, but we still needed that 1 extra day!

My father is not a public man! This may come as a surprise to those who see him performing each week, but once the roll of 'Performer' is over, he finds it quite difficult to 'Put Himself Out There' so to speak. So it was not the most enthusiastic of fathers that I dragged around all the local hotels armed with a freshly printed array of flyers and business cards, this week.

He was apprehensive as we approached the main desk of the Pearl Resort asking for Isabelle, a friend who has been so encouraging it has been unbelievable. With relief he handed over the flyer, having explained our mission, and retreated gratefully to the van.

Three days earlier we had spent a wonderful evening at the Legend, high up on the hill, listening to Bill and Rom sing the evening away with rocking blues! We had danced on the terrace as Bill and Rom had cranked out one popular Blues after the other. At the end of the evening, as we all mingled and chatted, the Manager there, Jean Louis, was most encouraging when we had mentioned our own singing abilities, so this was to be our next stop.

The climb up to the resort is steep and winding but once there, the view is spectacular.(If you line the pamoranic view finder up correctly!)

Jean Louis speaks wonderful English, so I allowed Pape to stay quietly in the background as I sold our fate, while staring in amazement at the view.

At the edge of the infinity pool there is a full 40foot drop-off down the side of the mountain, it really is unbelievable there!!

From there we wandered down to the Intercontinental (The Old Beachcomber as it was formally known). The Entertainments manager was at a meeting and we were asked if we could wait for about 15 minutes until he had finished.

We smiled encouragingly and strolled down to the pool,

we gazed out over the beach,

we meandered along the jetty,

taking photos as we went.

We sat in the large high backed chairs and watched the world sail by.

Fredrick was a well dressed, enthusiastic, young man. Again he spoke perfect English, so I took over the explanations of our visit. He seemed very positive and took our flyer with an encouraging air that he was sure something could be arranged. We smiled, kissed in true Moorean fashion and headed off to the next potential venue.

To be fair we only called into the Hibiscus for an Ice-cream.

It was while sitting on the terrace, relaxed and at ease for the first time that day, that Pape got chatting to one of the staff he had known when he had performed there many years ago. I quietly ate my vanilla, chocolate and coco ice cream as they nattered away in French.

I took a few photos as they became engrossed in their conversation, enjoying the sun and the view.

When the conversation had finished, Pape looked at me in amazement. New management had taken over the place 3 weeks ago and they were looking for entertainers!! We collected a flyer from the dashboard of the van and headed into reception. There, on the advice of our helpful member of staff, we asked if it was possible to meet Patritica.

An elegant bubbly yet obviously tired lady approached us, we greeted, kissed and explained our purpose. If we could be of service to her establishment, we said, we would love to have the opportunity to perform at her complex. We had our own equipment, we were available any day except Fridays and Sundays.

She too was encouraging. She had thought about starting a music program in January but wasn't sure about having the same thing every week. I suggested we could work alternative Saturdays allowing her to book different acts for the weeks in-between. This she said was ideal!

With a promise to be in touch nearer Christmas we handed over our flyer for her files and passing the beautiful gardens once again, we returned to the van!

Every other Saturday would fit in divinely with the alternate Saturdays we already were committed to at Tipanier. We now had work every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, once January arrived.

That still left us the next two months to sort out. We dropped a flyer in the Hilton, wandered the grounds and consumed more ice-cream, we called into the Kaveka and had a brief meeting with Greg as he rushed out to the Airport, we dropped a flyer into Alfredos, also under new ownership and renamed the …................ we returned home!

I was happy, Pape was stressed!

Then the dog got sick!

Although Whiskey is well on the mend, the next few days were spent going back and forth to the vets. Practices became more critical as we learnt new songs, perfecting timings and words. The web was checked daily, updates posted, new photos loaded and responses answered. I was on a roll!

Unbeknown to me, upstairs my Pape was suffering. Gone was his tranquil life, gone were his mornings watching footie, gone were his hours of musical solitude, gone was his peace of mind!

I had French translations to be done, something I have no ability to do. Posters and notice boards needed to be built, I needed his help and asked for it freely, so caught up in my own drive that I failed to see his equilibrium beginning to tumble around him.

This Saturday, when we performed, we performed well. We performed professionally, every eye in the restaurant turned upon us. The melody was true, the customers attentive, but the fun of the past performances was lacking.

As we drove toward Le Sud in a race to catch the last of Mimife's performance after our show, I asked why he was feeling so stressed of late. He answered he wasn't used to being the centre of attention. When I said he should just sing to me then, he replied that made him WORSE!

He worried about his timing, his enunciation, even getting the correct words!! (among other things I had pointed out the correct versions to a couple of the songs we sang during the week!!) He was now even getting stressed about being stressed!!!

I sat quietly as we continued the drive, thoughts racing in my head.

Mimife's performance was spectacular. A wonderful Soul Singer, she bounded around the place so full of energy, involving people, encouraging audience participation and generally having a good time.

Pape relaxed, he chatted to people around us, all fellow musicians, singers, performers. We were now with the 'IN CROWD' and he was content back amongst his safe friends. Jan Prince wandered over laughing and joking, I laughed that I was causing my father anxiety.

She confirmed, with a broad smile, what was already settling in my head. My over the top enthusiasm needed to slow down, just a touch, before I burnt my Father out!!! He wasn't used to this much activity!

And so today, I sit quietly down stairs. The bananas are drying in the modified Solar cooker.

The dogs sat attentively this morning as I explain that barking at the neighbours is NOT polite behaviour and I would be most grateful if they would cease this anti-social behaviour.

Lecture over, they wait patiently for me to finish turning the drying bananas, wondering if all this devout listening was to be rewarded by a biscuit, and apparently happy to have their lives re-organised!!

P.S. the Kaveka just phoned – we are booked this Tuesday for a trial run. If he likes us we can have a regular slot!!! lol xxx

I wonder what time the rest will call???

Peace once again reigns in Paradise!!

1 comment:

  1. The Kaveka loved us - we are there Every Tuesday from now on!! Plus we were asked for CDs!!! life just keeps getting better xxx
