Sunday 20 March 2011

The Adventures of McDuck Part 3

Part III

Sunday evening Kerriann and Ron sang in Luciano's (The BEST Pizzeria on the Island according to some!!) Sunday morning after the usual 2 hour routine of clear up was completed Kerriann ran through some of the ideas and projects that she wanted to achieve around the place while Lisa was here to help.

She had already re-built the Jetty but there was still a lot to be done.

The front beach, although now clear of debris was in need of some TLC plus a few rock relocations.

The Tupa holes needed some heavy duty demolishing along the rocky beach, the BBQ area was in need of a total refit and the storm drain was a frightening site.

We wandered around the garden looking and discussing ideas until the lure of bananas and Ice cream drove us to the decking and the day was once again dedicated to backgammon.

The regime of bananas that had been harvested from the garden the week before Lisa's arrival was ripening at a speed too rapid for the occasional or even daily bowl of Banana and Ice-cream, some were allocated to the solar dryer while Lisa tried an experiment and put a few into the freezer!

The results were amazing, although it was decided to peal the bananas first next time. Frozen banana, in the humble opinion of a poor Duck, is something the world has seriously been lacking.

Sliced over Cookie Ice-cream and sprinkled with crushed biscuit it became the mainstay of our diet, being served not only for breakfast, after the Nuttella on toast, but also as a mid morning snack, a mid afternoon post swim reward and an evening sun set accompaniment.

Plans were drawn up as the two girls consumed their necessary consignment of fruit, dairy and grain. Work, they decided would commence tomorrow!

They set up the board for yet another game as I settled down for a nap under the shade of a palm

Luciano's is indeed a wonderful place, small and compact, with the aroma of garlic and fresh baked dough, it is the social meeting place for everyone with a hunger for Pizza. Kerriann and Ron set up their equipment in the corner while Lisa and I settled at the nearby table.

Luciano made me jump with his crazy cat impersonation but Kerriann assured me that this was just normal behaviour. The evening passed in a haze of music and comings and goings.

I met a few local people, saw a load more, was pointed at by some children too shy to chat, and totally enjoyed myself.

Lisa got to put on Ron's 'signatory' hat and we all laughed when it was decided it looked better on her than it did Ron!

The evening finished in good time for the nights Tupa hunt. Lisa tried to video the release moment when the bucket full of scrabbling bodies was deposited on the other side of the fence but when one of the larger Tupa ran back towards her feet the whole filming expedition deteriorated into a screaming mass of hysteria and laughter as we tried to see where the huge creature had actually gone.

The fact that we had only one light between the three of us plus two dogs brushing sporadically against our legs or stepping on our toes did not add to the relaxed calm reassurance that Tupa hunting really needs!!

It was with relief and total exhaustion from the evenings excitement that we returned to the decking for a calming bowl of frozen banana and Ice-cream, sprinkled with crushed biscuit! That evening Lisa swore she could hear scrabbling outside the door as she slept, but every time we all got up to look we couldn't find a thing so we put it down to her dreams!!

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