Monday 8 February 2016

Morning Walks in Singapore

Life back in Singapore was a wee bit different from when I had left in December due to the Christmas arrival of Steve's parents.

With so many people in the apartment a routine was needed to ensure everyone had enough space to function.

Each morning I would get up and quietly leave the apartment before anyyone else was up to enjoy a relatively cool 3km walk along the canal to the lake. 

There I would nod or murmurer 'Good Morning' to the other walkers as I wandered along the paths beneath the trees.

By 10am each day Singapore is hot, even in the rainy season, but at 7am a coolish breeze drifts across the water catchment area allowing people to walk, to exercise, to stretch, to dance and to meditate in comfort.

After a week of morning walks familiar faces began to nod back, recognition from a distance sparked broad smiles as well as greetings as we passed.

By the end of two weeks I felt like I now belonged to the Singapore Lakeside Morning Club.

A lady called Linda would stop her bike to exchange a few words when we met. 

Through her I was introduced to the Chinese Ladies on the board-walk and the white poodle walker who always stopped so I could greet her dog.

Then there was the smiling Muslim lady who tapped her way through the park, chi gong while you walk. 

The boy who arrived on his bike for an hour of fishing before work. 

Each day more and more people nodded and smiled, stopped and spoke. 

Everyone separate, everyone together.

On one of my walks I decided to see what lay on the far side of the lake and instead of turning around at the Gatehouse I continued along the path. 

Different faces walked past until I reached the golf links. Then no one walked past! 

This, I realised, was a walk for only the dedicated long distance walkers.

I rested on a convenient bench and then returned to the Gatehouse. 

The day had become overcast and although the air was hot and muggy it was still cooler than usual. 

I sent Lisa a message to say I would be late returning. She messaged back saying today there were no plans so to enjoy my walk.

With no plans and all day to do them I walked through the Gatehouse archway and into the gardens I had explored with Lisa the year before.

The place was incredibly quiet. 

Most of the people walking in the park had now headed off to work, while family outings hadn't yet made it to the entrance.

I walked through the gardens to the Pagoda that had been closed the year before for renovations and climbed the seven stories to the top.

In the distance clouds covered the condos yet the views were still incredible.

Large monitor lizards that I had only seen at ground level could be seen swimming far out in the middle of the lake.

Birds sat in the tree tops far below me while in the distance the water feature of the lake pumped gallons of water into the sky.

Being so high gave me a better perspective of the scale of the park, things that I thought were quite far apart when one needed to follow the designated pathways were in fact very close.

I looked down into the Turtle Museum so close to the entrance gates while at the same time being closer to the lake than I had realised.

I took photos from various angles, walking around and around the top of the pagoda.

I took photos through the ornate window openings, trying to match up lines of symmetry like a great artist but failing miserably!

I took photos of the amazing spiral staircase again from different angles

and then climbed down each step, ankle protesting as loudly as the knees had done on the way up.

From the single seven story pagoda I walked to the twin pagodas that stand half over the waters edge.

I walked and read signs,

I walked and explored,

I walked and enjoyed the simple beauty of being outdoors.

And then I walked home via one of the outdoor mini gyms designed to keep everyone fit and healthy.

Legs were stretched in directions other than walking mode, arms were flexed, middles were rotated until totally pleased with my exercise efforts I returned to the condo for a large bowl of cake and ice-cream!

A fabulous breakfast of grains and milk in a form loved by all!

Well after all that walking …... I think I had earned it! 

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