Thursday 16 June 2016

Greetings Everyone!!!

I have now been back in the UK for 2 months!! Time flys when one is busy busy busy!!

My Laptop died on me when I was away so no Blogs got written BUT loads of notes were taken and even more photos lie waiting to be processed!

Life at the moment is hectic with loads of new, plus old projects happening. The lap top is now fixed but running so slowly it is going back in to be cleared and as soon as that happens I will re-live the final two months of my winter trip and post it onto here.

In the mean time ....

A lady came into the Workshop today to buy some pan pipes, which inspired me to write a poem ..... I then wrote it onto a piece of Oak and hung it in the shop,

I hope you like it X X X

In the woods, beneath the trees,
Beside the stream that never sleeps,
Behind the boulder all covered in moss,
Drifts the sound of music, soft.
Tunes and magic fill the air,
Creatures stop to gaze and stare,
Birds fly down from high to listen,
While dappled light makes dew drops glisten.
A web of notes is spun and cast,
Throughout the pastures and woodland paths,
Who creates such songs of pure delight,
Who casts enchantment with magic pipes?
With the legs of a goat and the body of a man,
Yes, you've guessed it..... His name is Pan!

Love and hugs and Merry Meet, love Ippy X X X

Ippy is Me by the way,

I have reinvented myself as Ippy the Trainee Story Teller and now have a web page called if anyone wants to check it out .....

So until the laptop is fully working again, have fun everyone and I will let you all know when the Travel Blog returns x x x

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