Wednesday 5 April 2017

Varkala Part 2 and Peter's Adventure Home!

Now that all the necessities had been done and dusted, life in Varkala continued at an unbelievable relaxed pace.

Our biggest decision each day .......  was where to eat!!

With the Blue Moon next door and a fabulous family run Thali place in the side street behind our rooms, our bellies and taste buds were well satisfied.

By the end of the first week we had fallen into a pattern. 

Early mornings were spent walking along the cliff to Black beach while the children enjoyed luxurious lie ins in bed.

Peter had decided to get fitter while he was away from the usual temptations of Wales and each day he rose with Ippy and I to walk the 3km along the beach while the sun was still rising.

Breakfast or brunch was had in the Blue Moon once the children eventually climbed out of bed and was usually accompanied by a large pot of coffee that Peter would consume until well after mid day.

We discovered Amantha's during an afternoon of exploring, where we all had wonderful fun wandering the back streets until we got so lost we ended up walking though the kitchen of a restaurant three cafés down from the Blue Moon to get back onto the cliff top!,

We would wander over to this hidden away paradise most days to enjoy a late lunch while sitting in their beautiful little garden.

The family who run Amantha's are amazing. Smiling, helpful, friendly, caring, the list is endless.

And their food is great! 

Each day we looked at the menu and each day we tended to chose the same thing, veg thali for Angharad and myself, cheese pakora's with veg noodles for Cian.

Only Peter seemed to changed his choice each day working his way from the veg thali to various curries through to the veg pakora!

With the thali costing 100 rupees (£1.30) and filling us to bursting point we were able to stay well within our budget of £5 a day per person on food.

By 3pm each day the sun had dropped enough to allow a few hours on the beach.

The water was warm, the waves were great and for two hours every afternoon we swam, jumped and generally floated around until we were ready to climb back up the cliff steps to shower and change.

Evenings were spent at the Blue Moon where Cian got amazingly sized portion of local fish from Shiva at a fraction of the price and Peter and Ippy were able to share a beer or two over a game of backgammon.

Occasionally we tried a few places along the cliff but to be truthful we were quite disappointed in them. The food was OK but the prices were double what we were paying at the Blue Moon!

As Christmas day approached everyone got into the buzz of decorations and nativity cribs and the Blue Moon was no exception. 

Our tree was raised complete with lights over a freshly thatched crib and extra lights were hung from the trees over our heads.

Christmas day was spent on the beach with dinner at the Blue Moon. 

It seemed quite surreal to be sitting with sand beneath my paws on a day that traditionally included snow and red robins.

Our evening meal was wonderful and we splashed out on extra beers and desserts to top the night off. 

We even managed a mini snow ball fight or rather an ice ball fight!

Each evening all the fresh fish is laid out of a huge table for people to choose as they walk past. 

The table is filled with ice to a depth of a few inches.

Shiva had just completed the finishing touches to the display when Peter called him to throw an 'ice-ball' over.

Never one to pass up a silly moment Shiva obliged and for about five minutes an 'ice ball' was thrown from person to person around the restaurant until it finally disintegrated. 

With loads of laughter Shiva ran to the back of the restaurant as a friendly customer chased him with a bucket of left over ice.

It was only once we all calmed down that we realised we now had a definite aroma of fish to our hands!!! 

A sudden queue to the bathroom developed as everyone went looking for soap!!

Peter and the children were due to leave for the UK the evening of December 30th flying out of Kochin so, just after Christmas, Peter booked them some train tickets for the morning of the 30th to ensure they had seats and got his flight details out to confirm the departure time.

As he read the times on the ticket he glanced at the date......... 30th January!!

When he had originally been booking the tickets he had tried to book his return for January 3rd but the prices had been too high, when he had changed the search to the 30th the price had dropped tremendously and so he had booked it not realising the month was still on January not December!!

He looked at Ippy in horror, he now had 48 hours to sort things out!!

While Ippy and the children headed for the beach Peter began the phone calls searching for a way to change his flight details. 

The airline were extremely helpful and offered to change his ticket without any charge at all. 

They could get him to Dubai without any problem but all their connecting flights to the UK were full until January 5th!!!

If he up graded everyone to business class they would be able to get him home but this was gong to cost an extra £800 EACH!!!

Without a plan B he booked the upgrade!!

On December 30th Ippy and I waved goodbye to Peter and the children and moved down the cliff to our new rooms. 

Nanda had been an absolute angel in helping Ippy and I get new digs at the most amazing price of 500 rupees!

We unpacked our few belongings, sat out on our virtually private balcony to call Peter, only to find their flight had been cancelled!!!!!!

The airline had apologised profusely and arranged to put them up in a five Star Hotel with all expenses paid until the next day when they planned to fly them out to Doha at 6pm!

Ippy and I looked at each other in shock, all that money and they still were stuck in India! Unable to change anything or help in any way Ippy recited the Serenity Poem.

'Please grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference.'

We said goodnight to Peter and the children as they began to order things to be delivered to their room and promised to catch up once they got back to the UK.

Three days later we sat down with Whatsapp and got the entire story from Peter.

Having spent the night and most of the next day eating, swimming and having fun in their luxury hotel, they had eventually booked into Kochin for their flight to Doha. 

Peter had asked about the connecting boarding cards only to be told they would be issued in Doha.

In Doha however there were NO boarding cards, as for some reason they hadn't been put onto the connecting flight even though the airline had taken the upgrade payment!!

To say Peter was not amused is an understatement and the airline jumped through hoops to try and fix things.

So instead of spending New Year in the chill and damp of the UK as originally planned, they were now put into another fabulous hotel, with all expenses paid, plus their flight seats were up graded again to nothing less than FIRST CLASS!!

By the time Peter did the maths of what he and the children had managed to spend during their three day adventure plus the experience of living a life style they would never see again, we all decided it had been worth every penny!

Plus with his travel insurance for cancelled flights and such he would probably get compensation anyway!!

Ippy and I said goodnight to Peter and settled down on the balcony to watch the sun set. 

We still had another three weeks in India to look forward to before we headed to Singapore.

Already we had been introduced to new friends through Nanda and in two days time Emma was arriving in time for her Birthday.

Now that Peter was safely home with the children Ippy was determined to show me the joys of life in India!

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