Tuesday 31 October 2017

Things get busy at Home

The weekend after our trip to Cornwall, the now world famous Machynlleth Sign was positioned once more on the mountain behind the house ready to greet the thousands who flock into town each year for the Comedy Festival.

Peter and our good friend Huw of Huw's Taxis worked flat out picking up and dropping off all the extra people who had flooded into town and the surrounding area for the weekend.

As a one man operator, Huw was suddenly having to turn work down as he simply didn't have enough hours in the day to both work and sleep. 

He worried that the locals were going to suffer during the day as he simply couldn't drive twenty four hours.

Peter was working all the shifts he could and had enough to do, so, as my Hackney licence is up to date, I offered my services to help out.

Three days later John called by the house to ask if I could help out in the shop as he and Sanne were having no time off together since I had left...........

and then CAT phoned to see if I could do any extra shifts now I wasn't working in the shop!!!!

I looked at my diary.

I had planned to use my first month at home to build up stock for my Festival shop but yes there were a few dates I could help out with.

I wrote in all the Festival dates, adding the getting to and packing down days to them.

Peter added the dates of our two week break for us to have our alone time, then John filled most of the spare bits with a week here and a week there at the shop.

Soon the rest of the diary was filled with extra evenings shifts in CAT and anything left Huw got so he could have some time off to spend with his children.

My five months of unemployed summer changed into five months of back to back work!!
It was wonderful being back in the Taxis and as everything I did was a bonus to Huw, there was no pressure. 

My kitchen quickly turned into little workshop as saris were sewn into skirts and bits of wood were turned into stock. 

When the phone rang I did a taxi job, when the phone was quiet I made stock.

During my first week helping out in the Workshop, I worked until 5pm for John and then spent another two or three hours working for myself but using the workshop tools and space.

By the time Fire In The Mountain arrived I had boxes and boxes of things ready to sell. 

(I cant find a picture of 2017 so you have to settle for this one!!)

In 2016, after, if I do say so myself, my amazing job of organising the paperwork for the Healing Area at Fire In The Mountain, I had been asked to become Core Crew for the 2017 event.

I roped Peter in to become part of the crew on the build team and the children were bought tickets but were also told they would be working for their meals.

Three days before the festival's official opening we all moved onto site. Lady Sage was parked up. Camp was established and the job of building the Healing Area burst into action.

Turf was lifted for the fire pit, wood was collected into piles or used to make decorative structures. 

My stall was put up as reception plus shop and the entire area was cleared of brambles and other such things.

The festival passed in a blur of activity.

I worked twelve and fourteen hour shifts as Peter and the children ferried food down to me but it was worth it.

The shop did tremendously well, customers plus healers complemented me on the smooth running of customer care and bookings and when I had all the money and book work finished by mid day on the Sunday, people looked at me in amazement!

By the time everything was over I was officially Core Crew for 2018 plus Peter and the children were booked to work in exchange for their tickets in.

This had also been Peter and the children's first experience of Festival life and they had thrived on it.

I suggested to Peter that we could do more festivals together but as my next two festivals would be during school time, it was decided they would only join me for Kaya and the Cider festival as these were both during the summer holidays.

With our two week break to go to Scotland plus some festivals together the year seemed to be turning out to be a family time after all!


A small foot note here about the very end of Fire In The Mountain and the other side of festival life – on the Monday morning, now that the festival was officially over, Peter and I, having dropped the children to school, were due to pack down the shop even though it had rained constantly throughout the night. 

We arrived at the stall to find even though everything was dry, a HUGE pool of water now hung dangerously low in one corner of the roof. Our attempts at pushing it off ended in disaster as the corner of the roof, in virtual slow motion, gave way covering my entire stock with rain water!!

Peter and I looked on in horror as water continued to pour in, each of us unable or rather not trusting ourselves to say anything for a good five minutes. With the roof's entirety of stored water now in the shop, we fixed the roof and looked at the damage.

Rugs, throws and stock were gathered into piles, water was emptied out of boxes and subdued we packed everything the best we could into the trailer for the journey back up the hill to where Lady Sage was parked. 

As the rain continued to fall and with the trailer already full, it was decided to leave the frame where it was, I would come back in a few days once the rain had stopped to fetch it. 

My plan had been to stay the Monday night for the Crew party but as Peter drove away with all the camping stuff and my wet rugs I looked at Lady Sage in dismay. 

I weighed up my choices ....... a wet party in a muddy field sleeping in a van full of damp stock or a hot bath and sort out. 

An hour later I followed Peter home for the hot bath and to start the drying process. 

It took three days to dry everything out but by day four everything was repacked, the sun was shining and memory of the rain had passed. 

I was now ready for the next one!

Oh the joys of Festival Life!!!

Monday 30 October 2017

Unemployed in Wales

Having decided that this year was to be a family year and bearing in mind that I only had five months in the UK before I needed to be back in Singapore, three days after my arrival home in April, Peter, Angharad and myself headed off for a quick four day visit to Cornwall in Lady Sage while Cian made the decision to stay with friends.

This was the first time anyone had actually accompanied me on a road trip with Lady Sage and I was sure she would do me proud.

We stopping at Taunton for the night both there and back and by luck (and a little research) we found a great camping place at a Cider Farm.

Tan Pits Cider Farm offer, for a huge total of £10 for us all, hot showers, quiet camping and great walks along the canal.

For those who are feeling fit you can walk the entire 3km into Taunton itself but we were not feeling fit and so we just walked to the first bridge!

We did managed a few family games of 'Poo Dandelions' (as we couldn't find any sticks) throwing our flowers off the bridge and then walking lazily to the other side as the slow moving current carried them along in the hot sun of Devon.

In Cornwall we met up with my step daughter, Karon and her crew catching up as if we had never been apart!

Lady Sage was parked outside Kyle's (my adult grandson?) house each night, and even though he offered us all beds inside the house, even Angharad chose to continue our adventure by sleeping within her warm embrace.

That's not to say we passed up the offer of food cooked and served inside while we played games and made silly faces on the lounge floor!!

As a family we explored the area with Lady Sage, the highlight being the drive down the 45% hill when we went for food and of course to go crabbing at the famous Pandora's inn.
I grew up spending my summers with my Aunt in Feock just across the creek and have such fond memories of this place that I have not only brought my own children here to play as children but now have the fun of bring my step children!!

Looking at this photo you would swear it was mid summer until you look carefully at the warm jackets and jumpers!!

Even though the sun shone all day, the wind blew even harder and with our buckets of crabs returned to the sea and looking totally chilled and wind swept ........

............. we all headed over to the North beach for some much needed calm!!

The joy about Cornwall is that if it is windy on one side, the opposite coast is usually great!

....... Plus, I at last got to meet my Great Grandson Harry!

It's not often you get to be a Great Grand mummy at 55!!

With Angharad sleeping in the front of Lady Sage and Peter and I in the back, coffee and toast available whenever needed, Peter at last began to appreciate my wonderful bus.

Until now he had only seen her as an MOT problem as it was up to him to weld and fix her each year, but as we sat outside in the sun having stopped off at the beach on our way home from our wonderful break, he agreed she was 'Rather nice'!!

We talked about the the two of us having a break away from Machynlleth, children free and eventually settled on a two week excursion to Scotland in August to visit my younger sister who was due to have a second child in July.

With our plans of a relaxed summer filled with lots of Family time we headed back to Wales.

(note the weather change lol )

This summer, we decided, was going to be great!!!

......... and then the phone rang!!!

Sunday 29 October 2017

Singapore to Home!

As I walked through the door, hot sweaty and ready to rest after my journey from the Philippines back to Singapore, Lisa was What'sapping Steve's parents. 

“Cool”, she said as I walked in, 

“Now I have you all together I have something to tell you. Baby number two is on her way. Due date is October!”

Smiling I dropped my bags into my room but when the call was finished she explained that the week after I had left she had been incredibly ill with morning sickness. 

In light of the fact that she was still feeling ill every time she ate something, she asked if I could extend my stay until Steve's parents arrived for their months stay in April.

It was still only February, I messaged Peter to inform him I was going to be at least a month late coming home!!!

For the next six weeks I helped entertain Emelia as Lisa rested the best she could on the settee.

We did some wonderful painting!! Never mind the finger paints .... we did palm painting!!

I still have the hand prints of Lisa and Kris from when they were this old and it was wonderful to be able to do it all over again.

It was even more fun to pain my own hands!!

This is why we have kids .... so we can keep playing!!!

On weekends when Steve was home I took myself off for long walks through the streets and to the various parks ....

And of course I went to Little India, to visit not only the Temple, but also to go shopping!!

I bought much to much stuff yet again but this time I was able to tell myself I was buying for Festivals rather than myself which made the multiple purchases piling up in my room seem some how right!

When Lisa needed some alone rest time Steve and I took Emelia to places I hadn't been to before one of which was the huge MacRitchie Reserve in the north of Singapore.

Despite the fact that Singapore is so full of multi
story buildings with efficient road ways and transportation net works, there are still huge areas where you can roam for free amongst the trees and natural wild life.

As the weeks passed, Lisa got steadily better but it still with tears on both sides that I packed my bags to return to the UK.

For the past 6 weeks she had been my little girl again, in need of love and support. 

As we had our last hug together on the settee I reassured her that I would be back in only five months, a month before the baby was born.

They had other friends and family coming over who would be able to help out over the summer but it was still with a heavy heart and a few tears that I entered the lift to head home.


I was returning the UK technically unemployed.

My plan for the summer was to work a few Festivals plus do a few shifts in the CAT bar and not a lot else.

Things, however, have a habit of changing!! ......

I flew direct from Singapore to London with British Airways, watching many too many films once more and sleeping a fraction of what I should, as my brain raced through ideas and scenarios for the season ahead! 

I arrived in London looking forward to passing the six hour stop over resting in some quiet corner catching up on the missed sleep. 

I had never flown to Terminal Five before but within seconds of my arrival, I realised sleep was not going to be easy!

Build to accommodate the ever growing numbers flying in and out of Heathrow, the Terminal either underestimated the amount of seats required or they just didn't care. 

People milled around with no where to sit, the few bars and restaurants did a great trade as they were the only places where the seats were not full of tired bodies staring up at the huge departure boards that changed so rapidly I needed at least three repetitions to find my flight details!

I walked the floors searching for somewhere quiet, or at least with some carpet to sit on and eventually gave up. 

Huddling down behind a cleaning cart parked next to an eating place I curled up on the skin numbing cold floor while above me the high powered air con blasted ice crystals at my head!

In the hope of getting possibly an hours sleep I set my alarm but between the noise of clattering plates from the people and staff in the restaurant beside me, the constant gate change announcements over the impossible amount of speakers and the cold I gave up after only twenty minutes.

Pulling my knees to my chest I huddled on the floor, my sarong and every other bit of clothing from my hand luggage wrapped around my body. 

I had expected to be cold once I had arrived in Manchester but this was ridiculous!

To distract myself from falling deeper into my own personal misery of tiredness and cold I began to chant quietly under my breath until a voice beside me kindly asked, “Would you like to sit in the British Airways Members Lounge?” 

I looked up to see a man of about my age, well dressed and smiling looking over the cart. I nodded gratefully as he helped me to my feet.

Rearranging my layers to look slightly better than the helpless waif and stray I felt like, I fell into step beside him asking him where he was travelling to.

We exchanged brief details of where we had been and where we were going until we arrived at a large partitioned screen. Stepping behind it we were met by security/reception who politely but firmly asked to see our boarding cards.

The Lady is with me” my rescuer informed the gathered group as they scanned and checked our details. 

With a polite, but not altogether approving nod, we were let in.

Once inside my travel companion explained the basic facilities before turning to go. 

“You are not staying?” I asked confused.

No my flight has been called,” he smiled back, “I was on my way to the gate when I saw you, you looked like you could do with a smile. Make yourself at home, everything is free in here!” and with that he was gone!

I looked at the huge soft padded settees, the large buffet of breakfast foods that included cereals, breads, rolls, butters, jams, honey, sliced fruit, fresh juices, yoghurt as well as enough bacon, eggs and meat to feed the entire floor.

Coffee machines turned out endless supplies of caffeine for those wishing to stay awake, wine was served to those who didn't care. 

Water and soft drinks in neat little bottled filled cold boxes filled with ice, newspapers and magazines lay in neat piles while gloved 'servants' silently wandered between the spacious seating clearing away discarded food and cups.

For a moment or two I walked around noting that in this large expanse of space they had even incorporated showers and sleep areas. 

The contrast between Joe public and Private members was shocking. 

If just a fraction of this space had been allocated into public seating it could have made such a difference to those with children huddled together in the noise and clamour of outside.

The words of the Serenity Prayer echoed around my head,

'Please grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference.'

I was unable to change the world today but my saviour had helped change, if only for a few hours, the world for me.

I gathered together juice and toast for my breakfast, gave thanks to the Universe for the blessing and sat down in one of the huge chairs to watch the planes taking off in the distance.

Monday 23 October 2017

Whale Sharks

Oslob is famous for its whale sharks!

When I had visited Kris the year before diving with these incredible creatures was the only thing that I insisted I did before I left the country and I hadn't been disappointed. 

With my ears still playing up slightly it was decided that Peter and Kris would go for a dive with the Whale sharks while I joined one of the snorkelling groups and watched them from above.

Whale sharks are early risers meaning we had to be ready even earlier!!! 

By 7am we were not only up and dressed but had also completed the half hour journey to the Feeding station a few miles from the resort.

Equipment was organised, the Do's and Don't's video was watched and as Peter, Kris and their guide headed down the beach to wade into the awaiting water, I joined one of the many groups heading over to the tiny dug outs that were lined up along the shore ready for the paddle out into deeper water.

The first time you see a whale shark, even a juvenile like these, your heart skips a beat.

Despite all your training in diving NOT to hold your breath, you find you have done just that and it is only when you begin to rise in the water due to the buoyancy of your filled lungs, do you suddenly realise what you are doing and slowly release a long steady breath. 

30 foot of shark swimming above you is awesome!!

Peter began to spin as he looked around and around at the sharks heading in from different directions until he became quite disorientated and even a little dizzy.

I in the meantime had entered the water, along with a few others, just as a feeding whale shark cruised by!!

Seeing these amazing creatures this close was as breath taking as my dive with them the year before. 

A tiny eye slipped past, totally out of proportion with the immense body behind.

As I floated there trying not to move the sharks came closer and closer until at one point one actually rose beside me. 

One of the cardinal rules of the Whale shark experience is DO NOT TOUCH THE SHARKS!!!!

You can be fined a ridiculous amount if you break this rule and I totally agree with their policy but when that shark rose beside me I froze, 

my legs stopped finning, my arms went out for stability and He touched me!!

For the briefest of seconds my hand caressed the side of his body as he slide past and then he was gone!

I attempted to dive down deeper, testing my ears as I went. 

The pressure was uncomfortable but not unbearable as again and again I dove down to swim with these amazing creatures.

With Kris and Peter on the sea bed looking up and me floating around looking down I think we covered every angle of these beautiful creatures as they fed.

Too soon it was time to end our experience and head back to dry land. 

The Sharks only stay for about an hour or so then they too naturally drift away until they return the next day.

We dried off and dressed before heading to the far end of the bay to the collection of food stalls for breakfast. 

While the boys ate, I headed to the beach 10 metres away to collect some more of the sun bleached coral that is washed up daily to form a huge pile that basically makes up the shore. 

I had collected various pieces the year before and made them into necklaces to sell at the festivals but with only one necklace left of the 10 I had made, a restock was required.

Our afternoon was spend chilling at the bar and in the pool and of course discussing our fabulous trip out that morning.

As night fell we realised that in the morning we needed to head back to Cebu. 

I still had another 4 days in the Philippines but Peter had a plane to catch home the next afternoon. 

Our time with Vicky and Chris had been amazing, not only was the resort incredible but their hospitality to us had been unlimited.

We had stayed in the finest of rooms, eaten freshly bought and prepared food every day, been on trips with expert guides and of course played cards with copious amounts of beer!

I can seriously recommend the Granada Resort to anyone wanting the perfect place to stay near the Whale sharks!!

Back in Cebu we dropped Peter at the airport and headed back to Kris's apartment. 

I unpacked my things to their home back under the TV stand and looked at my settee with happiness! 

It may not be much but it was home!!

I actually managed the entire walk to the Shangrila the next day, enjoying as I went all the smells of food being cooked, mixed with diesel fumes, garbage, wildlife and life. 

Asia has a smell of its own and although each place is different the base smell that under lies every town is the same.

At the dive centre there had been reports of fish traps being spotted within the exclusion zone that is registered with the government to protect the reef. 

The diver who had seen them had been on a fun dive and as he had none experienced customers to look after, hadn't been able to investigate further but as soon as he was free we returned to the water to search for them.

I joined the dive to see how my ears were and was pleased when I got down to 12 m without any problems. 

When the traps were eventually found I stayed on the sea bed having deployed a surface marker bouy while Nic surfaced to check our location.

From our position on the sea bed the traps looked like they were inside the Shangri la reserve but when Nic surfaced he realised that 'legally', they were just outside.

We took photos to make an official report and surfaced. My last dive of the trip was over.

It was only when I was taking my equipment off back at the jetty I realised I had placed my side mounts the wrong way round!! 

As I entered the water I had asked for my right cylinder and been handed my right cylinder but in my eagerness to attach it plus my inability to tell my left from my right, I had placed it on the left hand side. 

When the left cylinder was passed down I of course just placed it on the opposite side!! 

This in turn had made the hoses face out instead of in. 

No wonder I had felt as though things were a bit skewif!

Nic didn't dive with side mounts and had presumed I knew what I was doing and to be fair I did, I just did it with the cylinders in opposing positions!!

With my final dive done it was time to settle my bill and place all my remaining beers onto Kris's tab!

My time in the Philippines was over.

We had done the usual drinking, eating, diving

but this time Peter had been able to share some of it with me.

I caught a jipnee to the Shangri la on my final morning with my back pack filled to bursting point. 

From there, leaving the crew hard at work I went directly to the airport in the afternoon.

I was now getting to be an old hand at flying in and out of Cebu Airport alone!!

Next stop Singapore!!!