Wednesday 27 May 2009

Quiet Days - Part 11

Wednesday 8th April

Chill Out Day – which began with more hot showers to reduce the sting from the sunburn. I have been to many countries including India and Morocco but I have never burnt the way I had done in the sun of Vietnam. I even had a base tan from our travels so far, yet still I had burnt. Covered with sun cream I wandered out towards the beach, the day was overcast for which I was grateful. As I walked a Viet man walked with me. We chatted about where I was from, where he was from, families, a bit of history of Nha Trang. We sat on the beach front watching the waves wash the shore in silence for a while.

Eventually I got up saying I was going to Dive Shop, he simply said he was hungry and could I spare a dollar (76p) I gave him 20,000 Bart, about £1.50, he was happy, I was happy to have met him and to have enjoyed each others company and so we shook arms and said our goodbyes.

The day wandered by in a pleasant lazy way, a shower, a bit of reading, a snooze, more wanders and an Italian Chocolate Ice-cream that melted much too quickly in the afternoon heat for me to keep up. The mid-day and afternoon heat was quite intense, the over cast sky was not helping to cool the suns radiation nor reduce the humidity either.

Kris and I hit the cyber cafe when we met up, I had done what I needed within an hour but Kris had headphones on and was chatting to Steph so I left them to it and wandered home for yet another shower. Dinner that evening was take away, fetched by Kris on the bike, over a DVD with Matt, Amanda and Joe; Mishka was out roller skating!! Food and films finished, Matt walked me home about midnight and another day had passed in Vietnam!

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