Wednesday 27 May 2009

Rain in Nha Trang - Part 9

Monday 6th April

I awoke early at 5.30am, rolled over and slept till 8am, decadence in a country that rises before 6am. Kris, I knew, would be asleep so I strolled down to the beach to see what the Pink Tower that I could see from my balcony actually was. I did a spot of exploring, bought myself some Pringles and Peanut crunch and returned to my balcony as the sky began to change from clear blue to darkness.

Five minutes after I arrived back, the sky's opened and rain emptied onto the surrounding roofs and streets. There is something enchanting about sitting on a balcony dressed in the lightest of sarongs as water pours vertically from the sky above. When I pushed my hand out from the protection of the roof it felt like placing it in a small waterfall. The droplets were huge and heavy cooling the mid morning air temperature to a pleasant 25'c. With nowhere to go and all day to get there, I gathered my book and breakfast and settled myself onto the balcony.

The rain passed as quickly as it arrived allowing the streets to steam in the now revealed midday sun. I strolled around to Kris's to find him coming out of the shower having just awoken. Mishka was on the dive boat that morning leaving Amanda, Joe and Kris to make the hard decision about where to have breakfast/lunch! I was beginning to appreciate the suffering my poor son had been going through since landing this job six months ago. Decision made, we walked (!) to the cafe as Kris still didn't have his bike. A leisurely lunch of steamed veg and rice was had, before Kris had to leave for work in the shop at 2pm.

Amanda introduced me to the joys of the cyber cafe, at 25p per hour, time could be wasted easily in Facebook and other such sites. I updated my 'status' and sent a few e-mails then moved to the beach for an hour or two. This was followed, as the sun cooled near to the horizon, by an exploration of the opposite end of the beach, a brief snooze, a shower and it was time to meet Kris, who finished work at 8pm.

I had asked, earlier in the day, if I could go out on the dive boat the next time Kris was working on it. Even though I wasn't due to start my scuba diving for another week I wanted to do some snorkelling and also wanted to see what Kris did for a living! He had taken a booking for a fun dive just before I had arrived and my name was added to the boat list for the morning.

Kris had promised to chat to Steph on line in the cyber cafe before we ate. I signed on too and ended up chatting to Bam back in Wales for half an hour. Guavas for tea with Matt and Joe plus a few games of pool and by 11pm I was flagging again. Kris got Joe to drive me home as he didn't want me walking alone in the evening. He picked up the bill for the food yet again and I was off. So far I had spent no money in Nha Trang except for my Pringles and Peanut crunch, Kris had even covered my room for the first week – I knew there was a good reason I had had children!

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