Sunday 22 August 2010

Brunei and Diving

It has been nearly four years since Lisa, Kris and myself have been in the same country, let alone in the same town. Lisa and Steve arrived in Nha Trang at 7.30pm Friday evening, after their prolonged overnight stay in Brunei!

What had originally been planned as a flying visit, had turned into a three day exploration of the country, after their connecting flight was cancelled at very short notice. The airline company had kindly picked up the bill for all their food and accommodation while they were stuck in the State and this had allowed them to spend some of their hard saved money, on an exceeding good Jungle Safari Trip into the Rain Forest.

There they had walked high into the canopy, gazing down at the tree tops from their narrow swinging walkways.

They had climbed waterfalls and trekked along lush jungle tracks.

Had their feet cleaned in pools by cleaner fish.

They had spotted pygmy squirrels scurrying along in the trees and had had fleeting glimpses of exotic butterfly's as they spiralled down from the busy heights.

They had visited the Sultans majestic mosque. A stunning gift to his people. The Sultan himself worships there, without the need of any guards, loved by all his people. His Palace is the biggest in the world, with rooms of solid gold, domes of gold, furnishings and art from far and wide.

The Sultan has invested not only money into his people, but also love and respect. Schooling is free, medicine is free, their needs are his needs, he is their Father.

Their eventual departure from Brunei, followed by the 7 hour train ride from Saigon to Nha Trang, took its toil and two slightly jaded travellers were collected from the train station by Kris. Bags were once again deposited in the Blue House, before food was sought for the tired travellers. This was followed by drinks at the far end of town, but by midnight they, and myself, were ready for bed.

Both Kris and Steph had the next day off work and so it was decided to rent another motor-bike and head down to Long Beach for the day. Although both children, and I, hold Full motor-bike licences, it has been more than a few years since Lisa has ridden, let alone on the wrong side of the road, in a foreign country, with a pillion, and never on a moped!!

To say she did well is an understatement. Kris shot off into the distance with Steve on the back, Sean, a fellow instructor, also with the day off, followed. I followed behind with Lisa and Steph, as Steph called directions into Lisa's ear. At junctions cars and bikes flew across in all directions, at the market place people walked straight out into the road in front of her, bikes flowing in the opposite direction all around us. We stopped near the boys and purchased our supplies for the day.

Fresh pealed pineapple, apple-pears, tangerines, lychees, dragon fruit were packed into our bags while encouraging stall keepers filled our mouths with samples.

Petrol was purchased in pop bottles from the side of the road and we were off.

The drive to Long beach takes about 45minutes. The road, once out of the bustling chaos of town, winds itself along the mountain side around the coast. The duel carriageway status meaning nothing to those who live on the wrong side, needing to travel in the opposite direction. They simple pull onto the road and drive at you, head on, in many cases. But no-one minds, no-one gets annoyed, everyone smiles, at the very worse they shake their head and then smile!

We reached the beach without too many mishaps, parked the biles up and headed for the shade. Within moments we were accosted by a beach lady trying to sell her wares. Quail eggs, sour mango with chilli sauce or Rice cakes. “When I sell all eggs, I go home” she pleaded. No one wanted eggs! She tried and tried, each time her offers being declined. “If I come back and you have eggs from other lady, I be very angry!” she tried, “I cuss you and shout!”

We agreed that she should do this, as we were not planing to buy anything today, save our drinks. She shook my hand in agreement. We all smiled, I took her photo, and she began to leave. Steph turned to Kris “Maybe just one eggs?”. Kris called her back, she turned, a huge grin on her face. I bought some rice cakes and a very happy lady left our company to sell her one remaining portion of eggs.

The day was spent relaxing, we swam in the warm water, we played poker-dice in the shade. Steph was taught to play bridge, and other card games were remembered and played. By mid afternoon however the sky began to darken. Distant thunderclaps could be heard far inland, spots of rain threatened to fall. The bags were packed just as the first drops fell. The roads were wet and I felt nervous, just how slippery was “Be careful, the roads are slippery!”??

Kris soon disappeared into the distance, Lisa seeing my reluctance to race along the wet road overtook me and set a steady pace. Tiny raindrops bit into all exposed flesh as we speed along the carriageway, working our way home, travelling in and out of the edge of the storm. Acupuncture, is the best way to describe the feeling one gets as a tiny rain drop hits you at 50km per hour. Acupuncture, on a huge scale!

On the outskirts of town, still on the duel carriageway, a bike up ahead decided to turn around. Right in front of Lisa! She swerved, missing it by inches, I followed, unable to stop, as the actual brakes don't work very well on Steph's bike! Welcome to Vietnam!

Following soothing showers, we called into see Simon at Octopus Diving to arrange the following few days of Water Recreation. Dives were arranged, courses were booked and with a “See you in the morning” we left to find food. We ate in Something Fishy, the owner Bob cooking up some wonderful vegetables for Lisa and I. We had ordered two portions but as the first one approached our table, we realised our mistake! The bowl was huge! We struggled to eat one, delicious as it was and asked for the second bowl to be packed as a takeaway. We could eat it on the boat to save Simon having to provide Vegetarian food for Lisa and I.

The food was packed and Lisa and I headed back to the room to drop off the food and to pick up the rented bike ready for its return at 10pm. As we approached the large spiked gates of the hotel, we were surprised to find them closed. Not only closed but padlocked, from the OUTSIDE! We called, we knocked, we sat down on the bench outside.

Three Vietnamese guys arrived, they called, they knocked, they sat beside us! My French neighbour, from Coco Divers, returned from work, he too joined us in our wait. By 8pm Peter, from Octopus Diving, had also finished work and it was clear that no one was going to be going into the hotel for a while. We walked to Kris's, dropped the food and walked back into town.

Just before the motorbike rental deadline, Lisa and Kris returned to Blue House to find it open as normal. The guy had apparently returned at 9pm, unlocked the place without a suggestion of explanation and gone to his room! The bike was returned, a few more drinks were consumed and with the threat of an early start, we all retired to bed before midnight!

Today has been fantastic. The weather has been overcast but warm, the dive boat had only six customers, three of them being us! Kris, unfortunately, was required to cover a Rescue Course for the day, so it was up to Nick to take us down and show us around.

Nick is a fellow traveller. He had dived with Kris, and others from Octopus, a few times and had been asked by Simon if he wanted to do a few shifts, whenever they were too busy. Free diving in exchange for guiding qualified divers around the various sites. As a qualified Dive Master himself, Nick had jumped at the chance and had now been in Nha Trang for a quite a bit longer than first intended.

We chatted on the way out to the first Dive Site, I was the only one wearing a wetsuit, the rest were diving in rash-vests and shorts! I am sure I have mentioned this before but I DO NOT DO COLD! And even 30 degree water begins to feel cold after an hour! We kitted up and jumped in. the dive was wonderful, Nick set a nice slow pace, allowing Lisa to take photos and me to simply look, without being left behind.

A Black Lion fish displayed his fins at us, a yellow box fish played hide and seek, a cuttle fish hung silent in the lee of a rock. An hour later it was all over and I was glad I had worn the wetsuit!

The second dive was a swim along the reef to Moray Beach. We were dropped into the water and with the checks done, sank below the surface into the clear depths as the boat continued to the mooring spot. Again Nick set a relaxing pace, swimming gentle against the current we stopped to look into holes and crevices. I spotted another box fish and taped Lisa to take a photo.

By the time I turned around, I had lost him! I shrugged at Lisa, she turned away, I spotted him again and tapped her, again when I looked back, he was gone but from the corner of my eye I saw his hide away. Lisa took her photos. We looked around. The boys were no where to be seen! Lisa signalled the direction we had been heading before I had called her back and we set off. Within seconds we spotted the boys heading back for us and joined up again. Air was checked, all was good and we continued on our way.

Tiny fish, big Trigger fish, blue, yellow and green fish darted this way and that. Coral formations reaching high above us teamed with life as we passed. We reached the Cleaner Wrasse Rock where Kris had brought me too before. While Nick showed Steve, Lisa told me to take my mask and regulator off for a photos. I did smiling at the camera before realising I had forgotten how to put them all back on under water! I put the reg back in my mouth but water threatened to go up my nose. I has a split second of panic before waving at Lisa to stay with me as I worked it out. I replaced my mask, took a slow deep breath and cleared the mask. Simple once you remembered how!

We turned our attention to the Cleaner Wrasse who were busily cleaning Steve's ears. They moved onto Lisa, picking at the skin beside her head. I removed my regulator as they approached me, allowing them access to my mouth! Nick clicked away with the camera. Too soon again the dive was over and we returned to the surface. A lost camera was being retrieved as we surfaced, we were to last ones back but what a dive!

This evening we sorted out a rough plan for the rest of the week with Simon. Lisa starts her Rescue Course in the morning, Steve is going on another fun dive with Nick, I am having a chill day. Tuesday Steve and I are going snorkelling, while Lisa continues her course on the boat, possibly the same plan for Wednesday, before two fun dives with Kris on Thursday and Friday! The week is sorted!!

Lisa and I have decided on an early tonight, due to the fact that she has half a book to read for homework, before she starts tomorrow, and also because I want to up load this chapter while the internet is quiet. It has been quite fickle for the past 24 hours much to my annoyance!

Tomorrow, however is another day, another good day in Nha Trang.


  1. What a fantastic account of your travels. Nick is my son and I was particularly pleased that you enjoyed your diving experience with him. Hope the rest of your travels are good.

  2. Hello Nick's Mommy!!!

    We had a bril time with him

    much love to you

    well done on a cool son!!!

