Monday 19 January 2015

Condos and Little India

I awoke the next morning in my dorm, made for four but with me as the only occupant, refreshed and eager for adventure. My only plan of the day was to meet Lisa and Steve at their new condominium in Lakeside as today was their official moving in day. I had directions, of a sort, a map of the MRT and no bags to carry. The sky was clear, the heat was rising, people around me were smiling, the world was mine!

The walk from the Tree in Lodge Hostel, back up the slight hill to the MRT station, revealed in full the scenery I had missed the night before.

The lights that had illuminated the sky were replaced, in the light of day, by towering apartments blocks.

The shops and cafés, where I had enjoyed the companionship of the local travel advisers, were tiny in comparison. Their ramshackle roofs and wooden framed windows in stark contrast to the long clean lines of the tower blocks.

At the MRT I swiped my rail card that we had picked up the night before and consulted the maps.

Singapore runs a great scheme where you can buy a card onto which you load up some credit. This card can then be used on all the trains and buses with a simple swipe. You swipe it when you get on and then you swipe it at your destination and the exact fare is removed from your account. The fare taken and the remaining balance is also display on the swipe machine so you always know how much you have left.

Singapore’s MRT runs in much the same was as the London Underground. Circle lines, red lines, purple, green and blue all criss cross each other as they race around the city. Each line linking one area to the next in easy step by step blocks.

I arrived at my stop and looked at the directions received from Steve the night before. Third Condominium on the left. Simple.

As I exited the platform, having swiped my card, I arrived out at a rather large expanse of greenery! OK ….. maybe at the end of the greenery I would find the conods. 

I walked along the pathway past the vast amounts of bicycles that were not only lined up but chained to any and every available post and rail until I reached the road. 

I was now facing a huge lake. There were condos in the distance but on my left was definitely a big lake …. I went back to the MRT and looked at my directions again.

Exiting this time from the main exit I was pleased to find a road lined both sides with huge towering condominiums. 

One, two, three.

I read the sign on the large surrounding fence, pleased to find I was in the right place. Now I just had to find my way in!! 

The lady at the main entrance security stop asked me which block I wanted. Confidently I gave her the flat number and floor. 'Yes but which block' she smiled.

I looked beyond her towards the towering structures, I had a choice of about six.

'I'll phone them,' I smiled and turned away to use my phone. It rang ….. it continued to ring …... and ring …. and ring.... No help there then.

'OK' says the nice lady, 'Sign here please.' I signed the guest book and looked blank. 'Far block' she beamed 'Block 81'. I had no idea how she knew this or if indeed she DID know this but I smiled too and walked into the most amazing housing block I have discovered to date. Fountains and goldfish ponds were dotted in between bushes and pathways.

Recliners, parasols, tables and chairs were arranged pool side and what a pool it was. 50m by 15m of chest height water stretched out between the tower blocks.

Smaller pools lay to each side. The far one was divided into two with one area just ankle deep and perfect for very young children, while the other was a deeper sectioned off area for slightly older ones.

The pools to the right of the large pool had jets of water shooting out of the surrounding pillars into what looked like a huge jacuzzi.

Beyond these pools was a children's water play area where water spouted out of a wonderful array of pipes

and beyond this was a traditional padded ground play area

plus a BBQ area complete with seating and BBQ!

I decided to sit in the BBQ area and phone Lisa and Steve again. 'Where are you?' they asked after the second ring.

'By the BBQ', I relied. 'I can't see you!' said a puzzled sounding Lisa. I looked about, then I looked up. 'I cant see you either', I countered and moved to the children's play zone.

'We see you! Look up!!' I heard Lisa say on the phone. I looked up … and up... and up. Two smiling children were waving to me from a small balcony high above.

It was Lisa and Steve!! I walked towards the entrance pleased to note that the lady at security had indeed been right. Block 81 was written in large print above the door, but the door was locked.

Lisa appeared within seconds to let me in, a huge smile on her face. They had arrived just an hour before me and were still exploring themselves. Their bags were in the bed room, their meagre food stash was in the kitchen. 

The flat was wonderful and as a bonus was furnished with beds, a lounge chair and settee, TV, dining table and chairs plus enough storage shelving for a life time.

Over the next 24 hours a home started to evolve as the cable guy arrived to install the internet, phone line and cable TV

and we returned from the shops with bedding, bolsters and pillows.

That evening, the first in their new home, I returned to the Tree in Lodge Hostel by the Outram MRT. The last thing they needed on their first night was a Mommy sleeping in their new home!!

While they settled for their evening together, I caught the 147 bus from outside the Hostel into Little India.

Before the bus arrived I managed to make friends with two lovely Indian ladies, thanks to a friendly rat who scared them from their silence while we all waited at the bus stop. With their help I was deposited at the correct stop in Little India along with instructions on how to get home again.

I wandered the streets for an hour and then dined at an amazing Pure Veg Restaurant called Swaad who proceeded to overwhelm me with a choice of foods.

As each dish from the open buffet was described I took a little bit if it to my tray-like plate, much to their amusement. At the end of 12 dishes my plate was full and they were openly laughing.

I sat down to eat and then noticed that people were choosing two or three dishes from the buffet which they put into small bowls. These bowls were then arranged neatly around a pile of rice on their enormous plates. So my plate was indeed a tray!! Oopps!

The food was amazing and now I knew what to do I went back to pop some extra halva into a small bowl which I then put on my 'tray'. S$12 (£6) for an all you can eat buffet of amazing Indian food, I was in paradise!!

It was a slow waddle that took be from the restaurant and back into the bus to take me home. I swiped my card and it came up red but with a balance of S$1.10. (S$1=48p)

It had cost me S$1.08 to get from the Hostel to Little India so I didn't worry. I sat next to the gentleman who I had been chatting to me at the bus stop. He was surprised the driver had let me board with my card on red. I said it was S$1.08 to my stop but he corrected me and said it was S$1.20 from where we had boarded.

I asked if I should go and see the driver. 'Oh no' he whispered. 'When we stop, you swipe your card and get off. Do not stop, do not look back! It will be fine!' A wee bit dubious we continued the journey chatting about families and life. At my stop he reminded me again. 'Swipe and walk off, remember, don't stop!' he smiled and encouraged me to go.

I swiped, it went red and flashed. I walked off and took five paces before my conscience got the better of me and I stopped.

I turned but the bus was pulling away from the curb, my friend waving happily from his seat. In front of me was the hostel, my journey was ended.


That evening I shared my dorm with two sweet girls from Australia who slept soundly all night with the air-con on while I froze in my bunk below! Tomorrow I was moving into Lisa and Steve's flat and to be honest ….. I was glad!

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