Thursday 15 January 2015

Travel Times- Blog 1 Singapore

Reason One why I love to travel.

There is a tiny adrenaline rush that races around my body each time I book a flight. I have dived with sharks, jumped out of planes, taken horses over jumps, performed live in front of crowds and although each of these gave a tiny initial rush of pleasure and fear ….. it was over within a few moments, never to return again. Fear of the unknown disappears as soon as it is known.

Booking a trip however, never ceases to produces that shiver of anticipation.

My finger hovers over the 'send' button of my laptop. All the details are correct, the dates, the names, the passport number, the credit card details. All I have to do is press the button …. I wait as the nerves start to tremble.

The little voice of fear that lives inside us all begins protesting. Bit by bit it gets louder as the other voices join in. What if the details aren't right, what if you get to the airport and you find there is no booking, what if you get lost on the way, what if you get lost once you are there, think of all the things that can go wrong, what if you hate it …...... what if I don't …. The final voice is my own and with my heart pumping I press the button.

'Your transaction has been completed'.

I am not sure if it is the internet or the actual booking of the flight that gives me that buzz of fear to be overcome, but whatever it is I keep booking trips, arranging flights and traveling all over the world.

My trip to Singapore has been inspired by Lisa and Steve who, as I mentioned in the previous Blog have just moved to there. Their new daughter is due in February and Mommy (Me) wants to be there, just in case her little girl (Lisa - although she is not so little any more!) should need her.

I also have all my belongings shoved into one of Lisa's old back packs, so I feel and look quite professional as a traveler. My Indian bag that has traveled around with me for so many years is still with me but for this trip it is only my laptop and some water that will travel in that bag. The rest of my belongings are safely distributed throughout the many pockets of the well padded back pack. I also have a case on wheels but this belongs to Lisa and Steve and with luck they will collect it from me at the airport.

I look around the house one more time, if I have forgotten anything now it is jolly well too late. As long as I have my passport everything else can be replaced along the way. It is time to go.

There is no adrenaline rush any more. That ended the moment I pressed the button and the flight was set. From the moment I leave the house until I board the plane everything is planned like clockwork. Trains pick me up and drop me off, smiling faces at counters check me in, serious faces at security check my bags. All along the way I meet people, some for a second or two, others stop and talk for an hour or more.

Aboard the plane I introduce myself to my travel companions. We chat while we wait for our take off slot. I am on my way now. Soon we will be air-born. I have no more dead lines, no more commitments, no responsibilities until the plane touches down.


The flight, as usual, is wonderful, films abound as does the food and drinks.

We arrive at midnight in Doha and I have a nine hour stop over ahead of me – luxury!

Doha airport has everything one needs for an extended rest and I head straight for one of the Ladies Only Quiet Rooms where reclining seats with pillows await.

Here I sleep the night away, in comfort, before awaking refreshed and ready for some early morning Tai Chi.

Fear must be one of our biggest obstacles in life, fear of the unknown, fear of what others will think of us. Fear of being shunned. I must of sat for a good hour wondering if this tranquil Quiet Room full of relaxing ladies was a place where some Tai Chi would be accepted. Would they all frown upon me, ask me to leave, call security. Would I insult an unknown tradition, break some unspoken rule. In the end as the sun streamed in through the window I got up and began.

Nods of approval were noted, smiles from others, then one by one other ladies began to rise and stretch. A few did basic yoga poses, one or two did leg raises, arm were waved, shoulders scrunched and released.

I finished my routine, another fear of the unknown banished to the deep.

At Singapore Steve and Lisa were there to greet me and to take possession of their bag.

We nattered away as we strolled past the floor to floor slide to the MRT.

Only somewhere like Singapore could have a slide in the airport!

At Outram MRT Lisa and Steve changed trains to go to their hotel while I set out to find my accommodation for the night.

Out of the air conditioned train the air was hot and humid even though it was now 10.30pm. I followed the instructions given by the Hostels web page travelling through the bypass and out of exit 7 only to be hit by a wall of moisture. I was so glad Lisa and Steve had collected their bag from me!!

I walked along slowly, back pack clinging gently to the sweat of my back without a care in the world. I had no deadline, no urgency, no one to please but myself. The lights of Singapore shone overhead, vast turrets full of light, thirty and more stories high. Wide roads lined with pavements and greenery twisted away into the distance.

I reached a sign that to me looked like the 'No Pedestrians' signs we have on our motorways in the UK. I stopped a wee bit confused. There was an overpass over the road so I used it only to find the same sign on the other side. Even more confused I began to walk back up the way I had come but this time on the opposite side of the road.

Getting lost, or even pretending to be lost is one of the best ice breakers you can have in a foreign country. I pulled my instructions from my bag and approached one of the numerous road side cafés.

Did they know where this place was, I asked politely with a huge smile upon my face. One waiter asked another, who in turn asked a customer. The piece of paper was passed around as people pulled out phones to call the number on the paper and google search the address. One became three, three became five that rapidly grew into ten as more and more smiling and concerned faces gathered around to help the 'Lost Lady'.

Given five minutes to sit and think things through I could have worked everything out for myself but this was so much more fun. They called up the Guest house, they showed me the maps they had found online.

The sign I had seen meant No Crossing the Road, I should continue down the road for 600m, they all instructed, go past the Temple on the left and I would be there.

With waves and smiles from everybody I thanked them and happily continued on my way. As I looked back I noted that what had once been half a dozen separate tables was now one huge gathering as they all continued to chatter amongst themselves.

I just love happy people!! This is possibly reason Two why I love to travel.


  1. Oh what a lovely read, and i'm so glad you wrote about fear too, even the most confident looking person feels fear and that makes me feel better, thank you. Can't wait to hear the rest of your story. xx

  2. Thank you Julie, there is a lovely saying I write onto wood at work, it says "Stop thinking about what could go wrong and start thinking about what could go right!"

    Most of the things I do start with a mass of the usual negative, 'What If" s. But all it takes these days is a few deep breaths and a firm focus on the positive 'What If" s to get me moving along and it is amazing how the world comes together to support the positives once I focus on them.

    One of the Laws of Attraction says "What we love we empower, equally what we fear we empower, and it is what we empower that we attract." Fear has its place, but if we don't need feed it, we don't empower it and life gets a lot simpler.

    Also at the age of 52 I have less time to waste on empowering things I don't need or want.

    Have an amazing day Girl, thinking of all those things that can go right today (and tomorrow) xxx

    Much Love xxx
