Sunday 1 March 2015

Blog 20 - Cooking in the Temple

With my flight all booked I enjoyed my last few days in Little India.

I checked out the shops for any essentials I would need on the island.

I attended the Saturday program and for the first time was actually able to offer service!!

Every weekend devotees would take turns to help out in the kitchen, preparing a meal that will be served to everyone and anyone walking through the doors of the temple.

Vegetables needed to be peeled and chopped.

Puris needed to mixed and rolled.

I joined the group downstairs as they happily worked together to create the preparations for the feast.

In the kitchen Mataji directed people to different work stations,

allocating tasks to those who asked.

Rice was spooned into huge thermal vats where they would remain hot for hours.
(note the bare feet, I love Indian kitchens!!)

The puris were fried while sauces and curries were stirred.

Everyone worked together, everyone wanted to help. It didn't matter how large or small your contribution could be, every little piece of help, from sweeping to chopping, stirring to serving, was gratefully appreciated.

Once the meal was complete we joined the assembling crowd upstairs to enjoy the evening program and of course eat our well prepared meal!

There is a wonderful feeling I get when I know I have helped to create something that can be enjoyed by others. 

Whether it is a piece of art or a poem or even a few chopped vegetables that were cooked into a meal, every little thing we do without expecting reward, is rewarded ten time over!

That evening at the hostel I relaxed in the cool of the dorm.

My bag was packed, I had said goodbye to Lisa and Steve and tomorrow I was to begin another adventure!

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