Tuesday 28 March 2017

Birthdays at Cherai Beach

Although Cherai Beach had been a wonderful relaxing place for Ippy and myself, Peter's teenage children decided, after having had so much fun on the bikes, that there really wasn't much for them to do!

(Apart from swimming, playing with friends, chilling out on the internet in cafes and eating pizza!)

Peter and Ippy sat down to discuss the options. The children wanted to to Om beach near Gokana where, three years ago, they had spent two weeks during a two month trip to Goa. 

Ippy and Peter were happy about this so leaving the children to relax and play at the Homestay the three of us set off to go to Aluva Train Station to check out the trains.

The walk to town was refreshing so early in the morning but the two buses we had to catch were filled to bursting point as people headed into town for work or early shopping.

At the Train Station, Ippy and Peter queued with the thirty or so other people at the enquiry desk to ask about train times. 

Things seemed to be going quite well until they discovered the journey would involve a sixteen to twenty three hour train trip there with NO direct train back on the 29th for them to catch their flight on the 30th!

We stepped to one side to discuss their options. 

Peter had 17 days before he had to go back to the UK with the children, to go to Om beach would involve at least two days of solid travel with no guarantee they could get back in time for their flight!

An elderly German gentleman stepped up to the desk trying to find out which platform the train to Varkala departed from. 

Between his difficulty in hearing, the surrounding chatter plus the translation difficulties, Ippy noticed that he needed some help. She stepped back to the hatch and helped the Gentleman sort out his enquiry, while Peter and I chatted.

Having helped translate the information the gentleman needed, she exchanged pleasantries and said goodbye before turning to Peter. “We could always go to Varkala?”

Varkala was four hours away and a place the children would definitely enjoy. Cian had been there before but it would be a new place for Angarad to explore. 

We all returned to the Homestay to discuss it with the children.

Back in Cherai Beach preparations were being made for Ashna's 5th Birthday Party. Ippy had picked up gifts not only for Ashna but for all the children that morning as we had made our way to Aluva and back.

Cian and Angharad, once they got over their disappointment about not being able to go North, agreed that Varkala would be a good option for the rest of their trip and plans were made. 

Ippy contacted her friend from Wales, who was staying Varkala until January, to let her know we would all be arriving on December 17th. Varkala isn't that big and she was sure they would be able to find each other once we arrived!

That evening Ippy dressed in her special sari as we joined in the Birthday celebrations.

The cake plus gifts were presented before dinner much to everyone's pleasure.

Ippy found the candle to be quite amazing.

It was one candle that burst open to reveal five canles once the first one burnt down.

The Birthday Girl was the first to taste the incredibly gooey cake

and then we were all given sweets by the Birthday Girl followed by our own plate of incredibly gooey cake!!

With everyone now on a sugar rush, happy chaos erupted in the form of dancing, indoor football and games!

Eventually it was time to eat and our family was given pride of place at the table. Incredible vegetarian food was piled onto banana leaves to be consumed with fingers.

Peter struggled for a while dropping as much as he ate back onto the banana leaf but he soon got the hang of it.

Angharad was having so much fun scooping food into her mouth, she decided that every meal should be eaten with fingers from now on!

More games followed our meal until everyone was totally exhausted!

As the evening grew late we all retired to our room to allow the rest of the family to bring order to the house. Tired and giggling children could be heard going to bed and soon quiet fell upon the Homestay.

Tomorrow would be the last day at Cherai Beach for Peter and the children but Ippy and myself planed to return before we flew out at the end of January.

We had had such a wonderful time being part of this amazing family that a three or four day visit before we left for Singapore was a must!

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