Tuesday 4 July 2017

Leaving Varkala and India

The next morning we were awoken by not one but TWO brave guard dogs growling at the older dogs gathered at the bottom of the stairs!

Ippy placed the last of our things into the new bag and with a final look around we went for our final walk along the beach.

We stopped by the fisher men sorting through the morning pots of crabs to have a final chat.

We walked through the trees to the mosque where the mongoose played.

We walked to the far point and back.

And then because we were still not ready to leave we walked along the cliff top.

Final hugs were had with Baloo as we looked down over the quiet beach.

Old haunts were revisited.

Old friends were waved at from a distance.

It was sad to be leaving a place we had come to know so well over the two months we had been there

but there were new adventures waiting for us and for the first part of our journey we still had Dalia for company.

Although many of India's trains tend to run late, you can guarantee the one time you also arrive late, the train will be on time.

Waiting at train stations is also part of the fun of travelling.

You get to read signs you would other wise rush past,

you get to meet people,

do a little last minute shopping

and generally get into the mood of travelling again.

When the train arrived we were ready to be off.

We found seats and began the usual conversations of where everyone was going and why.

About an hour into our journey Ippy began to feel sleepy, it had been quite a late night plus we had been up early to say all our goodbyes. 

Ippy and I climbed onto the top bunk and soon she was asleep as the train rumbled its way through the country side.

When we awoke we discovered the train had filled up a bit and Dalia was now squished into the window corner.

We climbed down to squish her a bit more but before we knew it we were at her stop and rapid goodbyes were said as we unloaded her bags.

At Alvau Ippy decided to treat us to a rickshaw all the way the Cherai Beach, which I must admit was welcomed after our day of travelling and we arrived just as the sun set.

The children were delighted to see us and eager to show us the newly completed rooms but even though the rooms were amazing Ippy and myself decided it would be more fun to stay in the our original rooms within the Homestay.

It was wonderful to be back in Cherai Beach.

We walked the beach in the morning,

we ate at our usual places,

we relaxed beside the sea and generally caught up with all the news and happenings since we had left.

On our second day Ippy spotted two puppies playing on the beach and for a moment or two we thought our little friends had followed us up the coast!!

It was amazing how similar they looked at first glance!

Two days passed in total relaxation with stories and songs in the evenings with our wonderful family and again it was hard to leave.

Our time in India had been unbelievable.

I had learnt so much, made so many friends and had such adventures that I would have stories to tell my new friend Emelia for years to come.

As we boarded the plane to Singapore I was sad to leave India but at the same time I was totally ready and so excited to be on the last leg of my journey to meet Emelia.


  1. What a trip! i've not been to India, and this looks like quite the adventure!

  2. Of all the places I have been India is still by far my favourite. I keep seeing amazing things in the world but always find myself adding 'but it's not India!' the pure diversity of India is breath taking, mountains, plains, beaches, jungle, cities, history, culture, food ..... if it had diving I don't think I would go anywhere else lol x x x
