Thursday 28 September 2017

Ten days in Singapore being Grannie!

Felurian and Emelia hit in off the second we reached Lisa's apartment. No longer did Felurian live in my room, she now had friends to play with in Emelia's Magical Reading Den.

I only had 10 days in Singapore but with Felurian so busy, I managed to pack the usual thousand and one things into the short stay. 

Although to be fair a huge amount of it was based around Emelia!

The Chinese New Year soon after I arrived, saw the lions once more performing their incredibly noisy drum beating, cymbal crashing blessing around the complex.

It also brought everyone out of their apartments and allowed for a catch up time with old friends.

Following the lions, came the amazingly elongated dragon that wound his way around the pool

gazing up at the people on their balconies as he passed.

His final dance was one of the best I nave seen with some wonderful foot work that looked so effortless but none the less was timed to perfection.

With the new found strength and movement from my weeks of yoga, Chi Gong, morning walks and afternoon swims in India, I was now able to not only enjoy my morning walks along the canal to the park each day 

but I was also able to climb the stairs to the apartment instead of using the lift!

To be fair it is only on the third floor but two years ago I couldn't even mange one flight without holding onto the banister and hauling myself up in pain! 

They say every journey begins with a single step and that one tiny step I took two years ago to get fitter was at last paying dividends!

I even had the bonus of being able to walk undercover when the rains came as the walkway to the MRT was now totally covered over! 

Apart from the canal walk, I could now manage about a three kilometre walk without even leaving cover!

After my daily walk, the mornings were spent watching Emelia and Lisa as they 'played' with the morning's activity.

Scientific experiments, colour card matching, letter shapes and sounds, it is amazing what a two year old can do given time and patience!
Lisa has decided to introduce Emelia to the Montessori way of learning and they both seem to be thriving on it!

Emelia will happily spend well over an hour quietly 'playing' set activities using the most intricate of skills.

Afternoons were spent doing play that I understood and could join in with! Teddy picnics,

Building brick houses complete with doors and rooms,

plus a mixture of both!

Bricks just have to be one of the best toys ever!!!

I got to built houses, busses, towers and with a bit of imagination we created aeroplanes, taxi cars and even boats!

Lisa had been thinking of buying a kitchen for Emelia to interact with and during one of our days to the mall we spotted just what we needed as a started set!

While Emelia slept side cupboards were made from cereal boxes, next came a fridge complete with magnetic door. 

Everything was set up with pots and pans given designated areas and her face when she saw it all was perfect!

Cooking commenced almost immediately and for the next few days every time I went over to Boon Lay to pick up my fabulous Indian breakfast, I would return with addition plastic fruit and veg for her to prepare!

Teddy bear picnics took on a whole new dimension as entire meals were prepared and served from 'Em's Kitchen!'

The transition from my diet in India to Singapore food wise was also flawless. 

As part of my daily ritual I would visit Boon Lay food court to pick up my lunch that, although double what I had been paying in India was still incredibly priced at a whole S$2!

Evening meals were spent either at home or in one of the many food courts eating …

yes you've guessed it wonderful vegetarian Indian food!

The ten days raced by, Em and Felurian bonded superbly and before I knew it, it was time to pack my bag full of dive gear and head over to the Philippines to see Kris for three weeks!

I tell you my life is so hard sometimes!!

1 comment:

  1. Grand adventure indeed! Cheers to Grannie!
