Sunday 31 January 2010

Another Hot Day in Vietnam - Part 17

Wednesday 15th April

Another hot day in Vietnam. I wandered off to the beach after a leisurely morning shower and my usual breakfast of vegetable crackers and cheese on the balcony. John arrived about 10am, settled down beside me for a spot of sun worshipping, before we had a lovely refreshing swim and long conversation. He is also looking for a flight to Bangkok and thought the $95 that we had found was a very good deal. He asked which airline I was flying with but as I had left it all to Kris I had no answers for him. I asked him to call into the Dive shop about 1pm as I was meeting Kris for lunch saying that we would try to be at the shop about that time so Kris could give him some more details.

At about mid day we said our goodbyes and I returned to my room to shower before walking to the boys house. Kris was just coming off the phone to JP. He and a few friends were lunching at Lanterns and Kris suggested we join them there. I had a lovely meal of fried rice and tofu while everyone sat around eating, chatting, laughing. The social side of dining in Vietnam is a pure pleasure to indulge in. Meals stretch out over hours, people leave and others pull up a chair. Drinks are refreshed and conversations wander over the broadest fields of topics!

John called Kris's phone half way through the afternoon which totally surprised Kris as he had no idea who John was. The Dive shop had felt sorry for him as he had been waiting for over an hour for us at the shop and had passed on Kris's phone number. He and Kris chatted for a while, Kris giving him the details he needed, while I ordered some more drinks!

Kris was working the 6pm to 8pm shift in the shop that evening so we eventually made our way from Lanterns to the house, changed and headed back into town. I hit the internet while Kris did his evening duty selling dives to the passing tourists. Dinner was held in the cafe next to the Dive shop as no one could decide where to eat and the cafe was the nearest place to sit down and discuss the matter! We all ordered much too much food especially as our lunch had stretched over the entire afternoon and neither Kris nor I were that hungry. Joe and Matt battled their way through it all washing everything down with copious amounts of beer before we headed off to Guava's for a second evening of live music.

The music was once again brilliant. The Organised Pub Crawlers arrived about 10pm, this time 15 people had signed up and they danced and drank in the true tradition of a Pub Crawl. Kris, Matt, Amanda and Joe decided to join the 'Crawl' in their adventures. I was invited but politely declined. Everyone had the following day off work so I knew it was going to be a full on evening. Kris ran me home on Joe's Bike and promised faithfully to leave the door to his place open so I could drop my bags there when I checked out of my place in the morning. I kissed him goodnight and once more climbed the many steps up to my high altitude balcony.

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