Sunday 31 January 2010

Qualified - Part 16

Tuesday 14th April

I was decidedly tired this morning when I woke. It was still only 5.30am so I rolled over only to be disturbed by a text from Kris 20 minutes later. He had left his takeaway on the lounge table. Could I pick it up for him and bring it to the boat. I showered, gathered my things, including my own takeaway before walking to his house. I could see the pot on the table but the door was locked. I tried to phone him but the directions for making a call within Vietnam on my O2 sim were just too confusing and I abandoned not only the call but also his food. He could share mine!

At the Shop Simon was still wandering around not happy, I kept out of the way until the mini bus turned up for the ride to the harbour. On the boat everyone was in a much happier mood, the 'Mom' sign still amusing my fellow divers and staff. Kris , Amanda and Joe did the 'stone, scissors, paper' game to see who was to deliver today's address to the boat. Amanda lost, heading to the front of the boat to deliver the now familiar speech with a smile. I do so love the professionalism these guys give to their work.

We sailed out past Octopus Rock, which confused me until Kris explained that Miska was doing a deep dive with one of his Advance Diver students. They jumped overboard, the boat started up again and we motored back into the familiar surroundings of the bay.

Kris explained what skills we were going to go over as we kitted up, we buddy checked, signalled and jumped in.

I did a Controlled Emergency Ascent but ran out of air just before I got to the surface. I did it again this time judging the breath rate better and making it to the surface on the one breath. Weight belt removal, fin pivots, mask clearing followed by the usual photo shoot and exploration.

We finished with mask removal which was quite funny as I had been taking my mask off for photos all morning! Kris signalled an Assisted Air Ascent but half way to the surface he spotted a group of squid so the ascent was side tracked while we followed them taking photos as we went. As I said, having ones son as ones instructor does lead to some interesting skill learning!

Lunch was superb, why we hadn't done this before I do not know. Hot rice from the boat flavoured with the left over sauce from the night before. We all tucked in eagerly not worrying about the chicken curry the rest of the guests were eating.

Around to Moray Beach for our final dive of the day, a few more skills, a bit of bubble ring blowing followed by more exploration and games. Kris took us out quite far so we could reach the limit of the depth I am allowed to dive to, a photo to prove it and I was getting cold again.

We headed into the shallower water to warm up, watching the large shoals of fish disappear into the coral as we approached.

How so many fish can disappear into so small an area is amazing. All too soon it was time to return to the boat. Kit was removed before I got onto the boat, put back on in the water for the practice and then removed once more to be handed up to Son. I stripped it down while Kris threw Joe overboard, Matt joined the fun as the two Boat Dive Masters finished off putting away the dive gear.

Who's idea it was to expand Joe I do not know but the results were hilarious. With a regulator stuffed inside his rash vest he began to grow and grow. Everyone was laughing so much as we watched him inflate. Kris and Matt held the top of his vest together as he disappeared inside it. Amanda passed me her camera and did a great jump in to join them. And these are the responsibly people we trust our lives to under the water!

It was unanimously decided by Angel,Tobias and myself that we would have an hour or two to sleep before we sat our final exam that afternoon. Kris and Joe were happy about this and we arranged to meet back in the classroom at 3pm. I arrived with what I thought was plenty of time only to find the other two had already started! Within twenty minutes however I had finished and reviewed my answers. Kris said I had to stay put so I began the alternative exam in the back of the book. At this point Kris took me out of the room and marked my exam! 96% Pass. Two questions wrong, one that I knew would be wrong as I had had no idea how to work it out plus a second one that I wasn't quite sure about and had guessed. Simon joked that even after Kris had given me the answers I had got two wrong. His mood had improved over the day. I replied that it would have been too suspicious if I had got them all right!

Kris went over my two mistakes clarifying the depth ratio for air consumption, he took my photo for my certificate and together we filled in the hundred and one sheets to confirm I had completed the whole course satisfactorily. I was now a certified Open Water Diver!!

As I walked back to the apartment John cycled by. He had been keeping an eye out for me, unfortunately he was due to be somewhere that evening but would I be on the beach tomorrow. I said I would and we arranged to meet for lunch.

Kris joined me at 6pm saying we had to sort my flight out today! I had been saying that for two days! We took his bike to the cyber cafe and my flight was booked within minutes- it is so easy when you know what you are looking for. Next stop was the Night bus to Saigon, ticket in my hand we set off for drinks at Guava's until the rest of our clan joined us for supper.

In two days I would begin my journey back home- I wasn't ready to leave. I felt at home here. People waved hello as I passed, the lady in the corner shop greeted me by name, I was making friends in my own right. I didn't want to go home at all.

In Guava's conversation turned to my leaving. Bangkok airport was closed I was told – hadn't I heard!The city had broken into chaos again, 12 people had been shot that day. Even though my flight was booked I may not be going home after all! But 4 days is a long time in Asia and anything could happen. We decided not to think about it and just enjoy the days that were left.

We joined the others for our evening meal at the cafe next to the dive shop, following it with ice-cream from the Italian across the road before going back to Kris's to watch some DVD's. Yet another day had passed but now I was a Certified Diver!!

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