Sunday 3 April 2011

The Adventures of McDuck Part 5

Part V

The days are settling into a steady routine.

Kerriann does her early morning leaf patrol,

Lisa and I wander around filling in Tipa holes and taking photographs of unusual creatures.

Little fish called Gobi's cling to the rocks as we pass, their little bodies well above the water line.

Sea crabs, their flat bodies and muscular legs, jump from rock to rock.

The cat from next door arrived today with Pepsi, curious about the new arrivals next door.

Pepsi has obviously chatted about us favourably for the cat quickly joined us for the morning explorations around the rocks.

Kerriann returned to sweep the decking but the cat, now relaxing as only a cat can do, had other ideas.

A gentle battle broke out to see who could control the brush.

Everyone soon joined in with the games and the days chores were abandoned.

That evening Kerriann and Ron were singing in Kaveka's so it was decided that no major repair work would be done around the place. Today was to be a day of relaxation, sunshine, backgammon and of course, frozen bananas and ice-cream!

There was a breeze blowing across the bay making the front of the house quite cool. We moved the loungers to the side of the house and set up the board to play. Rascal, again had other ideas about how the day should be spent.

In her opinion much too much time was being dedicated to this board game and her allotted attention was being reduced to a level not of her liking.

To amend this, she climbed onto the backgammon board and refused to move until she had received every bodies promise of a full afternoon of attention!

The afternoon was indeed spent playing with both Rascals and Pepsi, the cat and I in observance!

'Fetch the Bottle' was introduced to both dogs, the rules were explained and both animals seemed to understand the basics.

Lisa threw the bottle, Rascals ran after it and picked it up, Pepsi looked confused! Rascals brought the bottle back and Pepsi jumped on her!

After this things just deteriorated further, when Rascals got the bottle she preceded to run around the garden with Pepsi in hot pursuit leaving Kerriann and Lisa baffled as to what had happened to the rules.

The dogs were enjoying themselves however and Kerriann, Lisa and myself settled ourselves down on the decking once more and just watched their antics until they exhausted themselves!

It was soon time to get ready for the evenings performance. Rascals was put on her running wire, sitting perfectly as Lisa attached her chain, her bowl of food was put beside her and again she didn't make a move take it until Lisa instructed. Goodbyes were said and leaving the property in the dogs paws we set off to Kaveka.

Kaveka's (which means Seagull in French) is situated on the far side of Cooks Bay. It has a long wooden jetty that stretched across the coral to the deep water of the lagoon.

Fish swim beneath in the shallow water and the views from the end are outstanding

Lisa helped to lift the heavy speakers onto their stands while I watched the clouds roll over the mountains on the far side of the bay.

Once the equipment was set up and the sound checks completed, we all sat at the end of the jetty relaxing in the relative cool of the evening.

To soon it was time to start the evenings performance. Kerriann invited me to sing on the microphone but I was too embarrassed.

Lisa was persuaded to join her mother in a rendition of Mr Fox, a song they had sung together in her childhood. As the evenings guests had not yet arrived, Lisa agreed to join her and I was surprised at the hidden talents this entire family has!

Lisa and Kerriann sounded great together and I congratulated Lisa on her debue when she returned to join me at the table.

The evening was wonderful.

We were introduced to Maya and her husband, from Argentina. They have been coming to Moorea for years and always look for Ron when they come.

They were very pleased to meet all the new arrivals and we were all soon clapping and tapping our toes as Kerriann and Ron entertained the room.

The evenings Tupa hunt also went well, two buckets being relocated to far end of the garden. When three more were discovered near to the house Kerriann decided to change the release place to across the road. It saved the walk, she said. We figured they would have the same amount of difficulty, if not more, in finding their way through the undergrowth, across the storm drain plus they had the road to cross, to get back to the garden, so this became our 'secondary' release point. Kerriann remarked that she had no objection to them all either living in Tupa City at the end of the garden or even setting up a new suburb across the road, as long as they left her grass clear to walk on at night!!

We retired to bed happy with the day!

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