Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Adventures of McDuck Part 7

Part VII

Each morning, before the beach is raked, Lisa has taken to scouring the sands to collected some of the millions of tiny shells and pretty pieces of coral. The defining quality uniting this huge mixture of shapes and sizes is that each one of her acquired pieces has a tiny hole in it, or is shaped in such a way as to be tied.

The growing piles of assorted pieces has become quite large so it was decided that today we would create a mobile! Fishing line and beads were brought out of storage, the shells and pieces of coral were arranged on the table according to size and holes, an interesting curved piece of wood was rescued from the waves and work began.

Each piece of cut fishing line was anchored with a large piece of coral, beads were then threaded at intervals until the next piece of coral was attached. As the pieces of attached coral got smaller they were replaced by shells until a single line of decorated thread lay on the table.

This decorative line was then attached to the wood and allowed to dangle in the breeze as another 'string' was created.

The completed result was so successful that we quickly made another until the remaining shells on the table were now just a scattered few. The next question raised was where to hang them?

There is a well pruned tree just beside the steps to the decking. New branches have sprouted from the topped tree but it is still sparse on the greenery front. What it needed, we unanimously decided, was some shells!!

Lisa was dispatched to climb the tree, her mountain climbing skills being put to the test in this wonderful supportive tree!

Loops were made, so as not to damage the tree and our creations were attached.

We sat back to admire our handy-work with yet another bowl of frozen Banana and Ice-cream!

Again the afternoon melted away while we swam and relaxed on the beach. The dogs looked after the hammocks for us as we played in the water, happy to watch us for a change.

Their energy returned as the sun set once more over the bay. Throwing amazing colours across the water.

In the coolness of the early twilight Kerriann and Rascals decided to have a wrestling match!

They started off quite evenly matched with Rascals doing some unusual moves and nearly toppling Kerriann to the ground

but eventually Rascals found herself pinned by Kerriann and had to admit defeat!

We all sat out on the decking that evening and admired the way the light shone upon the mobiles as they turned slowly in the breeze.

Tomorrow the Girls were off to do their first Dive and so our beds were sought relatively early leaving the new creations to the stillness of the night!

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