Monday 23 May 2011

Thankyou everyone

It is now time for me to leave Moorea but before I go I should like to mention some of the people who have made the past year what it has been.

People like Jan who welcomed me like a daughter, took me out to dinner, invited me on trips, arranged cakes and get together's purely to enjoy my company. She has been a true friend, a shoulder to cry on and an inspiration to what a single woman can do with her life if she sets her mind to it. I have loved listening to her adventures abroad, loved looking at her photos. She has filled in forms for me, checked departure times and arranged pensions, she has allowed me to practice my French on her, looking blank at times but beaming with recognition when I eventually get the words the right way around! She has lent me her car, driven me to place I didn't even know existed and always had a smile for me.

To the Jans of this world I say Thank you.

There have been the neighbours around the house in Cooks Bay who have waved and asked how I am doing each time I pass. Kenton and co. Purto and Co, Nella and the boys, Bruno and Isabel, all of you made me feel so welcome.

To the wonderful neighbours of the World I say Thank-you.

To Ruthy, at the bottom of the hill, who has listened to me as I chat away, allowed me to use her internet when ours wasn't working, has inspired me with her art and her creations. You introduced me to some of the locals and gave me invaluable advice on fitting in.

To the Rutas of the World I say Thank you.

To Jan Prince who held out the glass of whiskey when I needed it most, who allowed me to sit and pour my heart out. Who told me stories to make my hair curl and my libido race. Who took me out to dinner and lunch, who fed me every time I arrived on her doorstep, interrupting her work with my enthusiastic chatter! To Jan who has inspired me to write more stories and who's stories I have devoured and who's magazine I look forward to each month. You have been simply great girl!

To the Jan Princes of the World I say Thank you.

To Don and Vivian who hold the best parties bringing people together to chat and sing and share food and stories. You have turned up regularly at Lucianos to feed me chips (drowned in Tomato Sauce) and pizza in-between songs, you have always found the time to stop and chat whenever we have met in town or by the side of the road. You have encouraged me and praised my singing, building a confidence that has been invaluab.

To the Vivian's and Don's of the World I say Thank you

To Beth and her family, who have the most amazing Pearl Boutique just off Cooks bay (check out

I say also say thank you. Thank-you for introducing me to life here, to sharing the lessons you have learnt about chilling out. I now know that the Garmedarm will not raid my house if I have leaves left on my lawn for more than three days, that the sea will wash away at least half of what it deposits if I don't pick it up one morning.
Beth and I planned great walks together, we managed one during my entire time in Moorea but this is fine as it re-affirms the understanding that in the whole huge scheme of the world does it really matter. The times we did share outweigh the times we didn't and there is always tomorrow!!

To the Beths of the World I say Thank you.

To Vava, Tom, Taimai and Kristie I say thank you so much for letting me rush into your lives, like a whirlwind, re arrange all your plans, invite half a dozen total strangers into your home for New Year and then leave!

Tom your Stain Glass Windows are a thing of beauty that I have never been able to appreciate up close until now. They have always been something unobtainable, something of almost religious significance.

Having witnessed the making of these beautiful works of Art, seeing the joy and the dedication that is put into their creation I now realise they are something everybody is entitled to hold and own.

Your ability to turn your hand to just about any thing that you could possible need doing, including fixing and painting my gate has made you someone well worth getting to know and I have enjoyed every minute of your company. My mobile that we made will always be treasured!

Vava you are simply the most divine creature on the Island. Always smiling no matter what, fragile yet strong, as beautiful as you are talented. You have welcomed me into your home, fed me and watered me after my cycle rides. Always spoken positive words and praised my every action, seeing the good in all people. You have let me cajole you into things that you possibly would otherwise not have done but never have you said no nor spoken harshly. Through you I met Cher, such a dynamic person of unbridled energy, and through Cher I found myself living in this house.

To the Vavas, Toms and Chers of the World I say Thankyou.

To Alex and Emma next door, who have translated my needs to workmen, who have let me adopt their dog Pepsi as my own, have checked on me in times of power failures and Tsunamis I say thank you. Although Emma speaks no English and when we met I spoke no French we have still managed to communicate, together we have making mobiles and climbing trees. I have taken the phone from Alex to translate a guests ramblings while she has repeatedly yet patiently explained the controls of the complex water storage system between the properties.

To the Alex's and Emmas of the World I say Thank you

To Jack, high up on his hill where we sat out the Tsunami I say thank you, for your smile each time you pass the house, for your wave as you drive into your steep driveway. For the reassurance I have received knowing that if I needed anything you would help.

To the Jacks of the World I say Thank you

To Jean Roche, a true gentleman and my dear friend who has cycled around the Island with me, met me for Ice-cream and drinks and never let me pay!. Who has text me to make sure I am OK, who has smiled and lavished the attention that I so badly needed. You have been a great friend, never putting a foot wrong, never pushing a boundary and making me feel totally safe in your company. You have the most amazing voice, it is a gift you so willingly share with others.

To the Jean Roches of the World I say Thank you

To Luciano, Who runs the BESTEST PIZZARIA in Moorea, who is mad as a hatter and has the most wicked smile. We have spent months laughing and smiling, I look forward with great anticipation to my FOUR kiss welcome every Friday. My five kiss departure is great too! You have fed me ice-cream and chocolate mousse, tarts and pizzas to die for. Through Beth I discovered the Combo (!) one Sunday! Life will never be the same!! They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, this is also true for a girl and my heart will miss you.

To the Mad Cat Luciano and all of his wonderful family I say Thank-you.

To Everybody in Tipaniers who have made me so so welcome, You have fed me ice-cream and poured me exotic fruit juices. For the smiles and the laughter and the 'Kishhhh!' of the Boxer, I say thank you.

You have all chatted to me each week as if I had always been around. You have shared stories of your lives and families and listened to mine.

Veronique you have inspired me to cycle repeatedly around the Island knowing that you do this every day before work!! (In 2.5 hours no less!!) Often we have passed each other and on Tuesday April 26th we passed each other TWICE!!

To the Yvonnes, Nadines, Timias, Nadige, Jacques and Veroniques of the World I say Thank you.

To Greg from Kaveka's who GAVE me my push bike and my independence around Moorea, who is always in a rush but who also always has a smile and encouraging word. We have met in town, passed on the road and you always have a smile and a wave.

To the Gregs of the World I say Thank you

To Leon in Le Sud , who after only 5 days of being in Moorea, allowed me to sing in his Restaurant. Who introduced me to Jean and Eric, who fed me Chocolate Glacé whenever I turned up. Who included me in his New Year Lunch celebrations, introducing me to new people and cooking tiny vegetarian pizzas for me to nibble on. You have a great voice and your encouragement of local music is to be applauded. I wish you every success in the future.

To the Leons of the World I say Thank you

To Eric in his wonderful Boutique next to the vets (50% off children clothing for May!) for his smile , his cigarettes, his silly antics as I try to sing. For putting a smile on my face the night you sat with Marian in Le Sud with the stupid green cocktail stirrer being an Alien! For the great T-shirts (3 for the price of 2!!) that I will be taking back to Wales. For having the time to chat.

To the Eric's of the World I say Thank You.

To Richard who baffled me with pronunciations, making me say 'e' with 'air' in my nose (pinch your nose and say 'e' then try to make the same sound without holding your nose!! The French make it sound so easy!!) who raced ahead with future tenses when I was still learning to count, who none the less has had patience with me and has driven every week to the house to sit for 2 hours as we speak French and then English. You speak English so well you never really needed to practice with me but I am so glad we stuck at the French!

To the Richards of the World I say Thank You

To Mario, who came over and cooked me dinner, who played backgammon as the sun set, who made me laugh so hard I cried as he called out Italian words of indignation each time I threw the exact number needed to remove his counter from the board! With you I was able to share some very special moments of friendship and I look forward to a return game in January.

To the Mario's of the World I say Thank you

To Marimari and Highness, who welcomed me into her home and garden, who allowed me to take total strangers for a guided walk, who picked me up and drove me to the vets each time I needed to go. Who has praised my dog rearing skills, dropped off bags of bananas, and will hopefully allow me to House Sit next February. You have offered me use of your internet, your garden and told me the most amazing stories about how your family arrived here. You are a fascinating person and it has been my pleasure to meet and get to know you..

To the Marimaris of the World I say Thank You

To Turia, who answered the phone and came to my rescue the day Rascals broke her collar, who has organised the gardeners, kept an eye each time she has passed but has never interfered with what I have done down here.

To the Turias of the World I say Thank You.

To Jean, Ushci and Christian. All great artists who live in Moorea. I thank you for the time you spent with me and for allowing me to share some of your busy lives. Listening to and being included in the inspirations and conversations of people of such huge talent has been most precious. I shall treasure my Bleu Card forever!

To the Great Artists of the World I say Thank You

To the Rics and Pams, the Garys and Sarahs, the Candys and Gregs, Kates and Marks who made such an impact on my stay here. You were only here for a short while, also to enjoy the beauty of the Islands, e-mails have been swapped, experiences have been shared and between us we must have many thousands of photos of this Island. With you I was able to voice my concerns about living here, to air my difficulties of finding 'my place', I was able to have an outsiders view on the things that are happening in the world and through you I had so much fun!

My day in Papeete with Ric made a story in its own right on the Blog, my conversations with Pam while you were here and since about diving and children have been great, dinner with Candy and Greg in their water bungalow was amazing and Sarah and Gary, what can I say!!

You were brilliant and made Lisa's stay wonderful, Tupa hunting has not been the same without you. Over the next few years as I travel all over the world, I shall be turning up on your doorsteps asking for a bed!! Kate and Mark it may be sooner than you think!!

To the travellers and the roamers of the World I say Thank-you.

To the people in my tiny bread shop, my ice-cream shop and the supermarkets who remember me and say hello. To François and guys at the beach who wave and shout hello as I pass, to the the divers who took me beneath the waters of Moorea, to the strangers that came to listen to me sing and left as friends. To the children and their families of Opunohu Bay I say Thank-you.

Between you all you have made my life what it is this past year.

And to my Father, who started this whole adventure, who gave me the invitation and the ticket to come out here, who taught me how to sing for a living, who showed me a totally different way of living. I say Thank-you.

Although I am going home this has still been the most amazing year and having been here, I feel I will be able to return one day. when the time is right. Over the past year we have got to know each other, discovering good points as well as irritating points, we have discovered uncanny similarities, we have also found huge cultural differences.

They say you should get to know your parents before it is too late. I am glad that we got to know each other and that we now have some shared time to remember. Coming here to stay has been the most amazing gift, I didn't come out here for a holiday, I came out here to live and there is a huge difference. As I wrote in the last Blog, it will not be the same Kerriann that returns to Wales and for that you share a responsibility.

To my Father, who I have met and loved during my time here, I say Thank-you.

And finally to Michele who although I haven't met you yet has given me her home to live in for the past 6 months. I have had the pleasure of bringing Rascals through her teenage months, of sharing the manic growing stages all young dogs go through.

We have run around the garden, swum in the sea, cuddled on the settee and shared bowl of ice-cream.

Together with Pepsi we have sat up late and listened to the waves wash upon the shore. You had no idea who I was when you opened your door to me, since then we have written and you have called so I sort of feel I know you. I am so looking forward to actually meeting you before I catch my plane.

To the Michlele's and other trusting people of the World I say Thank-you.

To all the people who live in Moorea, those who pass through and those who have settled and those who were born here, I thank you all for the huge generosity you have shown me over the past year, for the welcome smiles and waves, for the called 'Yourana' as I cycle past your homes, for the openness that you have shown me and the help you have offered as I have tried to find my place on the Island.

Moorea is a truly wonderful place and I am honoured to have been part of her life for the past year.

Thank You xxx


I also take a piece of Moorea home with me forever, Thank you Purto for my wonderful tattoo xxx