Monday 23 May 2011

Leaving Moorea

Time To Go

My time is nearly over in Moorea. Despite Michele's incredible offer to stay on at the house for another year and to even gain an income as she splits her considerable rental income with me, I have decided to return to Wales and seek out other adventures.

The huge preparation involved to come out here has freed me of all encumbrances for the future. I have no belongings as such, even the things I brought over here in my 28kg of luggage will remain here (except for my Grand-mothers Scrabble board and my well travelled Backgammon set), all things are replaceable I have discovered and most things are superfluous to requirements. Even the dresses and scarves I brought with me have been allocated to the friends I have made while I have been here.

The pots and pans, glasses and bowls I have gathered, as all women do, can go to my small flat below Papes house to await the next inhabitant. The beads, ribbons, string and wire that I have used to construct the various decorative hanging mobiles and necklaces can go to the children who helped me make these things. The books I brought, plus the ones I have acquired, will now grace the book-shelves of the Darr House and hopefully bring insight and pleasure to their future readers as they have done for me.

Soon I shall swap the Fairy Terns swooping in and out of the palm trees for Red Kites soaring on the morning thermals. The tropical greenery that fills my eyes each morning will be replaced by the rich greens of the Welsh hillsides, the solitude of living alone will become the manic interactions of a family trying to sort the day.

There will be some things that can not be replaced. The warm bath-like water that laps upon my private beach, the smell of the jasmine each evening as it brushes across the garden, the colour of the flowers so abundant all around.

There will be no more 6.30am cycle ride to pick up my freshly baked and still warm baguette from the tiny shop beside the public beach, there will be no never-ending sunshine in which to brown my body.

My solar dried bananas, the regime picked from the garden will become a memory, as will the millions of bright coloured fish that greet me each time I enter the water.

There is an uniqueness to Moorea in the same way there is a uniqueness to each of the places I have lived or visited. The opportunity to come to this Island for the year and to just 'live' within its confines has been unbelievable.

I have experienced so much during my time here, the singing, the people, the diving, explorations, shopping, lunches and even the language but I have also learnt to sit and watch a sun set night after night.

After a life of constant movement this has been a period of total relaxation, a time where I have learnt to be at ease with my own company, to explore my unlimited potentials, to think about all I wish still to do.

When I return to Wales, I will not be the same person I was when I left. My priorities are changing constantly, I have gained pleasure in the art of relaxation, the idea of 'wasting' an hour or three no longer fills me with guilt, the enjoyment of the moment has become precious.

I have so much I still wish to do, places I wish to see, people I wish to meet. In my head I have started to make new plans, plans of interactions, plans of travel, plans of gardens free from Tupas. My friends from home send e-mails in anticipation of my arrival, planning get togethers and gatherings that will fill the summer with wonderment and joy.

I shall never work in the way I did before I left, I am free of mortgages and bills, I have the opportunity to exchange my gifts for the things I require, I have the ability to earn just what I need to enable visits to other countries, other places of beauty.

Having learnt the fundamentals of French over the past year I think I should like to visit Morocco again, this time with the ability to actually communicate, even if this communication is on the most basic of levels. India has never stopped calling, its vastness barely touched by all my previous stays in this hugely diversified country.

All these things are possible, all these things are attainable and so it is not with regret that I leave Moorea, but with gratitude for the experiences shared and a sense of adventure for all that is still to come.

Social Calender so far...
June - Three weekend dinner arrangements, a week in Furteventura plus a lot of planting and catching up to do
July – Working at Peters Taxi's as their new Receptionist/accountant. Royal Welsh!
August - Promise Festival at Lou's, Camping in Cornwall at Karon's, Peters Taxi's Picnic in the Plas
September – Cider festival with Lisa and Steve
October – Buy another Round the World Ticket - (just finalised it today as I couldn't wait until October!)
November – India for 4 weeks
December – Join Peter and Cian in New Zealand for 6 weeks
January – Back to Moorea to visit old friends
February – House sit for Marimari while she goes to New Zealand
March – Bahamas to see Kris and Steph before heading home to start a new plan that includes Morocco!.

Did I say that I had embraced the quiet life????? lol xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerriann,
    I'm very familair with the Darr house,I've been fortunate enought to have had many rum punches talking story with Omar Darr who I concidered a good friend!We spent a month a year on Opunohu bay for the last 18 years! Ed & Carol Schuster, Lakewood,Wa
