Monday 2 May 2011

The Adventures of McDuck Part 14

Part XIV

Time has raced past yet again and I am being remiss in my diary accounts. Our evening with Jan at the Pearl was wonderful. The dance troupe danced with energy, their hips gyrating in alarming fashion. The star of the show however was a tiny child of about 5 or 6 who had accompanied the troupe to the performance. Just off stage, but still within sight, she mimicked the dancers, periodically checking over her shoulder as she turned with them following their moves with exact precision. A future star in the making?

Ron is still a little unwell and so he has said for us to keep the van for the next two days. This has allowed us to fill up with water and despite Kerriann's best efforts Lisa has still resisting the idea of an Island circumnavigation on the bikes! She has however agreed to a drive around the Island and a day of exploration.

This morning we bade the dogs farewell and headed into town on the far side of Cooks Bay to check out a small boutique located there.

Lisa has been admiring one of Kerriann's pareros and it is from this boutique that the parero was purchased. Together we searched through all the racks of brightly coloured materials. The same design was found in red and green but not in the black Lisa wanted. She spotted a wonderful leaf design in opposing browns and whites that suited her needs and money exchanged hands.

From there we went to the Haraptit centre to check out a few more shops before moving on to the little collection of boutiques just outside town.

Wonderful dog collars were found in the pet shop there but it was decided that we would check the sizes of both Pepsi and Rascals before we bought them any presents.

We climbed the big hill by the Sofitel Hotel, stopping at the view point that we had rested at when we first arrived in Moorea

We gazed down at the lagoon, admiring the amazing colours below.

The last of the morning cloud was burning away as we continued our journey

We called into the huge supermarket by the ferry terminal, checking out the price of the ice-creams as we went. Lisa was in need of refreshment but Kerriann said they could have wonderful ice-cream at this great place she knew not far away. We returned to the heat of the car, opening all the doors and windows to release the build up of oven like temperatures inside.

We stopped briefly at a beach Kerriann wanted to visit. On her cycle rides she had collected various shells and was hoping to find more to replace those she had used making mobiles. We scoured the beach, Lisa finding a huge shell that had broken into a jigsaw of pieces. Each piece was collected and added to a huge pile of shells and coral. A fan cover was discovered to act as a carry tray along with some tangles netting complete with floats.

All was loaded into the back of the van before we continued our journey. Lisa was by now incredibly thirsty and it was with great anticipation that we pulled into the car-park outside the tiny restaurant that Kerriann wanted to visit. To our utter dismay it was closed!!

This was the second time that Lisa had been promised Ice-cream if only she could go a bit further and the second time she had been disappointed! We finished the now warm water in the drinks bottles and continued on our way. Just around the next bay however was a sight to fill our eyes.

Huge waves rolled and crashed onto the reef driven by the breeze that is always present on the Tahiti side of the Island.

We stopped the van and sat in the shade of a tree to watch these powerful waves roll and crash repeatedly.

Surfers come from Tahiti and other Islands to surf these huge waves and many have suffered cuts and injuries as the waves have dumped them onto the razor sharp coral just below the surface.

Despite this set back the journey was still most enjoyable. We stopped at another beach and collected a pile of fine branch like coral tinted brown along its tips.

We stopped for photos of the flat, still, lagoon.

We refilled our water bottles at the local tap, drinking deeply the cold water before filling the bottles again.

We passed the dive centre that Kerriann said was closed but as Lisa looked up the lane beside the sign, she spotted the tell tale sign of tanks stacked against the wall.

We turned around and went to explore. Fun Dives is an independent centre not attached to any hotel.

The whole place has been built solely for the purpose of diving and a very pleasant hour was spent discussing the pros and cons of living and diving in Moorea. Kerriann and Lisa had done another two dives with Onri but as we left they began to discuss the possibility of doing yet another dive with Fun Dives.

We called into the shopping centre at Petit Village, checked out a few shops and then pick up a fresh supply of ice-cream, having discovered that they sold it in huge 4.5ltr container!! This was duly put in the car along with some other supplies that would last us until the end of the week.. (if we were careful!)

We returned to the house quite late and a great fuss was made of the dogs after leaving them for so long. Bowls of ice-cream were dished out and consumed in the hammocks as the darkness slipped across the sky.

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