Thursday 2 February 2012

New Zealand Part 3 Arrival at Ann's

(Part 3 has a different picture format as I loaded 15 photos before I realised they were central aligned! I dont know how to reformat from Central to Left or Right!!! 3 hours work and I just did not have the energy to start again so I finished the whole blog in the same format!!)

Our arrival at Ann and Tony's was a quiet affair. We had driven late into the night trying to find somewhere to park the van as sleep threatened to engulf us. Roads had been closed for repair and the detour had been dramatic as we wound our way through huge wind-farms but every siding had been gated off or lit by large security cameras and so we had driven on.

We drove through the darkness to Palmerston North where all the roads had British names. We passed Oxford Road, Cardiff Road, Canterbury, and the best of all 'Reserve Street' just in case they ran out of streets!!!

At the far end of town we had entered vast flat plains where the road had continued in a straight line for miles. Without either a corner nor a rise to mark the way we felt like we were driving nowhere even though the van raced through the dark night.

Eventually only 50k away from our destination we stopped at a siding just outside a town called Leven. To be fair we had no idea we were only 50k away from the house or we would have possibly continued the last leg but a place to park was spotted, blankets were drawn over tired bodies and we were soon asleep as large timber lorries thundered past from time to time rocking the van gently with their passing!

Ann and Tony were thrilled to get our phone call the next morning and amazed that we had slept so close to the house. Final directions were issued, the mornings breakfast was cleared away and we were soon driving back down a few mis-read directions and up the long driveway to the house.

Ann arrived soon after our arrival and both she and Tony looked wonderful. Bronzed and fit, happy smiling faces and with stories and adventures to share.

My shoulder was still painful so we took advantage of the wonderful medical scheme. A quick visit to the local hospital resulted in the diagnoses of a frozen shoulder. Exercises were prescribed along with anti inflammabilities and some joint oil which has proved to be absolutely disgusting to take! But at least I know what it is and that it WILL one day go away!

By 3pm Peter and I were ready for the marathon drive back up to Auckland to return our Wicked Van. Train tickets were booked for our return trip the following morning and with a final fair-well to Cian, who was heading rapidly towards Ann and Tony's swimming pool, we took our home of the last few days back onto the road!

The return journey was done in record time as we headed into the very heart of the North Island.

Distant volcanoes, their tops covered in snow, came into view as we climbed into the mountains.

The temperature dropped dramatically and rain began to fall once more.

The sky darkened and mist swirled around the countryside as we followed the power-lines that stretched into the distance crossing their way over the highest part of North Island.

Gorse bushes added colour to the otherwise bleak landscape as we followed the road north.

Once again the diversity of New Zealand struck us as the flat bleak plains gave way

Mist and cloud curved its way around the contours and trees, the volcano in the distance adding to the dramatic effect.

From the hills we entered dense woodland, the road continuing its way round the hills through forestries of towering trees.

We passed back through Taupo

dropping down to the great lake once more.

It was dark by the time we reached Auckland. Peter Sat-Naved us through the dark streets as I had no idea where we were let alone where we were going. The Wicked Centre was in darkness as we pulled around the corner to clean out the van and settle ourselves for our final night of transit sleeping.

About 11pm we realised we had no idea where to catch the Overlander train from so we called Ann back down in Wellington. Station names were written, a taxi was booked for 6am and with the curtains firmly drawn (apart from the 2inch gaps at either ends) we went to sleep.

At 3am we were woken by a guy who wanted to enter the gate behind us!!

We moved to another street corner and tried again!

In the early hours of the morning we returned our Wicked Van to the Wicked Van Nest.

We admired the art work on the brethren of this exclusive community, and read the instruction written on the office door!!

“If there is no one here please put van keys through toilet window- Thank you”

We did as instructed marvelling at the Five Star efficiency of the company!!

Our Taxi awaited, as did the train and by 8am we were travelling back down the Island by yet another route!

The Overlander is a tourist specific train that crawls along the track through the heart of North Island. It is not cheep but the views are spectacular. The tracks are also very rickety and the motion of being swung from one side to the other is extremely tiring.

We stopped high on the plateau at the half way point for lunch and sagged to the floor grateful for the stationary ground.

We gazed at the volcano with the other tourists before returning to the rickety rocketry train.

We crossed high Viaducts as their history was read to us over the loud speakers

and we passed through thick fern country until with grateful relief we arrived at our stop and the waiting smoothness of Tony's 4x4!!

We slept well that night, the bed swinging in our sleep. We had now travelled from one end of North Island to the other and back in a Wicked van.

We had seen sights that we had only seen on TV plus seen things that we had not even dreamt of. We had completed the traditional Overlander Train trip, heard the history of the land transmitted over speakers, seen the Volcanoes and the Oceans.

We had only been in New Zealand for a week!! We were happy but exhausted!!!

Relaxation now awaited us! Ann had a hot tub on the decking and a swimming pool in the garden! Tomorrow was Christmas eve and we planned on going NOWHERE!!!

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