Friday 10 February 2012

New Zealand Part 5 - Moving - ?

Part 5

Boxing day was spent at Tony's and Ann's home. The Internet was checked, Blogs were uploaded while Ann busied herself in the kitchen making aromas that made mouths water all over the house. Cian fed the chickens, collecting the eggs as he did, Peter and Tony cleaned the pool and I just sat and wrote!

In the coolness of the late afternoon Ann presented her days labour. A table filled with delicious food, fine crystal, extravagant candles and enormous crackers awaited us all. Wines were poured, Cian included and vegetarian gravy was poured over Nut Roasts for me while the Roast Turkey was dissected onto plates.

We ate and we laughed, we pulled crackers and read jokes. We talked about moving over to New Zealand and the job situation there. Lorry drivers are in short supply and anyone with the qualifications that Peter has can get work plus a visa easily despite us being over the 30 year catchment. It was decided that Peter would go to the AA Office when it opened after the Christmas break and look into the details of transferring his HGV licence to here.

So far New Zealand had charmed us with its beauty, amazed us with its features, wooed us with its hospitality and once the rains had stopped, warmed us with its sunshine. Although not tropical, temperatures there rarely went below freezing unless you chose to climb up into the mountains.

The sea was a little cold for my taste but houses were affordable to rent, the wages were good, the life style was outdoors orientated Plus the schooling system was fantastic!

We consumed more wine after Cian had gone to bed and discussed the idea of relocating more and more.

It was finally decided that IF we should move over, we should explore the immediate area more fully as this would be where we would likely settle. Ann and Tony were there, as was Tony's family and their grandchildren.

The next morning we all piled into the car to begin a whirl wind tour of the South, of North island.

We climbed into the hills just away from the house up a narrow winding road twisting and turning on ourselves until Cian asked Tony to stop the car so he could be sick! Recycled egg was left for the birds to clear as we continued our way up into the hills.

We stopped at a small wild life park for Cians benefit as much as for our own and proceeded to spend well over an hour wandering through this delightful enclave.

So much thought had been put into the creation of this park

Linked ponds full of ducks lay between walkways with black swans rather than white swans gliding along in elegant poises.

Peacocks strutted their stuff and called from high perches in trees and upon roofs.

Delightful streams ran through thick woods,

ferns and moss clinging to the damp cliff walls.

Cian once more performed his reading lesson well as we listened to the information about the wildlife in the area.

A quick lesson on history followed as he took a ride in an old Governess Cart that had been used to take her charges to church on Sundays and other outings.

Animal husbandry and well being was discussed

enclosures were inspected

before other creatures of the wild were examined!

The art forms of nature were marvelled at,

symmetry was noted,

colours filed into memory.

Other couples walked around the grounds,

enjoying the space,

the fresh air

and the beauty of the place.

From the hills we headed to Wellington, climbing to the panoramic platform that overlooks the town. Cian once again read the history of the area from the huge plaques that lined the view point.

He sat upon the huge cannon that was hauled to the top and set off at 12 noon each day to mark the time (unfortunately Peter took all these photos and I didn't make copies before he left!!)

We looked down over the airport situated on reclaimed land and removed mountain! Apparently the earth from the 'mount' was used to fill in the dips in the marsh to create a flat area suitable for the planes to land on..

As we watched a plane took off climbing slowly into the sky.

From Wellington we headed right down to the tip of North island to Red Rock bay.

We stopped for lunch at a fabulous restaurant that Tony and Ann frequent. It was here that I noticed a house for rent at a very reasonable rate. This is where I would like to be when we move to New Zealand. Close enough to town but on the coast, next to the sea.

We continued our explorations along a track specifically designed for 4x4s

that curved its way beneath high cliff.

Recent rock falls lay scattered around while the track simply detoured around them.

We reached the Devil's Gate choosing to walk to through the pass rather than drive.

we watched as another 4x4 manoeuvred its way through the towering pinnacle, dipping dangerously to one side before tipping its way safely over the pass and onto the beach below (again the photos are on Peters camera!!)

We returned to the house full of the wonders of the area and also full of possible locations to move to. The whole trip had been one of excitement and new horizons.

Cian was now going to stay in new Zealand with Tony and Ann to expoler further while Peter and I caught a plane up to Auckland, another to Tahiti before taking the Ferry to Moorea for the next part of our Adventure!!

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