Tuesday 5 January 2016

Summer Fun 2015 Part 4

The rest of the holidays passed in a blur of work and days out.

Up at C.A.T. We had some great themed parties, 

From Maypole dancing which you can see on Utube!


to Face painting!

On the nights when I knew it was going to get messy (usually the Saturday but occasionally the Friday too! ) I would park Lady Sage in the corner and just spend the night!

Peter dyed my hair a second time and on top of the left over colour still in my hair, it came out even brighter!

Braiding my hair really brought out the colours!

In work my Story telling was going well and I had even had some positive responses to my enquiries about festivals for 2016.

In the shop Anupam was making his fabulous tables while Xin had discovered Pyrography.

When his first piece of art work sold the very day he finished it ..... he was ecstatic!

Pyrography was flying out of the shop as fast as I could write or draw it,

Every bit of wood was being used,

small pieces,

big pieces.

The summer season was upon us and everyone was working well.

Saying that there was still plenty of time for all the fun things!

Having started the summer holidays with our Pirate party in Lady Sage, the dry summer progressed with loads of other Parties!

We had Boat Parties ( I have a great video but it is too large to upload! But you can find it on Utube https://youtu.be/QMbzDoRnfdk )

We had Farm Parties, complete with hats and stories.

I was invited to the Llanbrynmair show to Story tell and although quite nervous at first as you can see on the video on Utube!


I soon had a great time dressing up and playing with the kids. Lou came and took some videos

Which I promptly loaded onto the Web page I had built for myself. They are too big to put on here so you will have to go there to see them....... check out .... ippystoryteller.com or look on Utube,


At the end of the performance I was promptly booked for a Birthday Party in May 2016!!!

On a windy weekend near to the end of the holidays, Peter, Cian, Angharad and I headed off to Fairborn to walk the rail bridge to Bournemouth. We called into the Coast Guard Station to see close up where some of our donations go.

When you see the boats on the water they look impressive but close up they are incredible!

We posed for a few photos then wandered the streets looking in the shop windows and telling ourselves there was nothing we needed …..

until we looked into probably the only closed shop in town.

There in the window were the best rubber Duckies ever seen!

If the shop had been open I would have bought about 20!

Every family member and friend would have woken up Christmas morning to find themselves the proud companion of a personally chosen compatible Rubber Duckie!

 We also bought a 3m sports kite that we took down to the beach every time the wind was in the right direction but I don't seem to have any photos so you will just have to have one of my Pizza face dinner we made when we got back from the beach one day!
 This one is Cian's
 And this one is Peter's, you see you are never too old to play with your food!
 In September my CD arrived on my doorstep!
By now five Festivals had either booked me or asked me to remind them in the Spring.

With the CD and the Book packed into boxes under my bed all I needed was a Market stall space to perform in!

The children went back to school and things quietened down in the shop.

After such a busy fun filled summer, Peter and I planned an escape to Cyprus for a few days, for some US time!!

Life just got better and better x x x

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