Monday 23 January 2017

Philippines 2016 Catch up Blog!!

The plan for a trip to visit Kris had started with a random Facebook message, while I was in Malaysia, simply saying, “I got the job!”

“Where?” had been my response, when I eventually got internet, followed by a “Well done!”

Kris and Romana had been diving in Cyprus for the season but had applied for various jobs since Romana had passed her Instructor course.

Scott Divers had been the ones who had won them over with a great promises of accommodation and wages, training and opportunities and so they had packed their bags to head to the even hotter sun of the Philippines.

Promises can always sound good on paper, but the reality of things rarely seems to match up. The location in Cebu was incredibly busy, the apartment small, Romana had cracked a tooth just before she left and needed root canal surgery, so, for a while, everything seemed totally overwhelming.

But like most things, little steps lead to great journeys, and by the time I arrived, they had settled into a nice routine.

The tooth was all healed, the apartment had become home,

the diving was great and after only one week of working and teaching, a guest had requested that both Romana and Kris accompany then in their rented helicopter to go and dive with the Whale Sharks!!

Photos appeared on Face-book of smiling faces,

clear blue waters and fabulous diving.

It was definitely time for a visit!

Knowing Kris only had one room and that I wouldn't fit on the settee, I picked up a fold up mattress in Singapore to take with me, filled my small bag with essentials and headed off to the airport.

Kris and I have history regarding airports!

More than a few times we have ended up in different areas wondering where the hell the other person was as minutes stretched into hours. Cebu airport, although very busy, is small and Kris's smiling face was easily spotted above the heads of all the other expectant waiters.

“There is an easy way home or a fun way” he declared as we stepped into the sun. “Which way is the cheapest” I responded. “The fun way!” he smiled.

We wound our way through the thinning crowd, Kris carrying the mattress, me with my bag, until we reached a busy intersection with large supermarket. “I just need to pick up some things for the house.” Kris smiled, “You need anything?”

I didn't actually need anything buy it is amazing how many things you discover you 'need' as you wander aimlessly from aisle to aisle!

Loaded now with not only a mattress and travel bag, but also three bags bursting with shopping, Kris hailed one of the passing Jipnees.

I was bundled into the front seat next to the driver, usually the best seat on the truck, but with so many bags of shopping piled around my legs and my bag on my lap, I was barely able to breath let alone move!

Sitting in the front of a Jipnee is quite an experience! From the back you 'trust' that the driver knows where he is going but in the front I discovered that the front window of the Jipnee was covered with stickers!

And when I say covered I mean covered.

How the driver actually knew where we were going is amazing!
With nothing visible in front of me I looked out of the side window as shops and buildings raced past.

Dusty pavements, swamped in places by wiry looking grass lined the roadway from time to time.

Dirt tracks ran behind raised paving edges, their bright painted colours in huge contract to the sandy reds all around.

At Big Foot, with much help I emerged from the front of the Jipnee looking a wee bit battered and windblown.

My legs were stiff, my back protested every step but I smiled,

“Only 400m to go!” Kris beamed grabbing the bags of shopping from me and shouldering the mattress with the other hand.

We walked slowly down the back road, the sound of the traffic replaced by crowing cockerels and moped noises.

We passed small huts made of metal where steam and smoke billowed out smells of freshly cooking food. Battered bananas on sticks, grilled squid and fish pieces, steaming rice in a bag.

The road became quieter still as we reached the complex where Kris and Romana lived.

The Walled and gated grounds were a secret haven from the dust outside.

Trees and bushes were intersperse with chairs and tables, vines climbed the buildings and the pathways were swept clean of stones.

We climbed the flight of stairs and walked to the end of the balcony.

“Welcome Home” Kris smiled opening the door.

I collapsed onto the mattress as Kris took the settee with a grin.

I had made it!

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