Saturday 21 January 2017

Very late Updated Blog from Singapore to the Philippines 2016

While Felurian is keeping all of our notes and stories about our adventures in India, I feel I really should update everyone on what has happened since my last Blog!!

You may have to do some back reading as it was really a long time ago now, about 10 months ago!!
My Computer broke while I was at the Farm and even when I got it fixed again in the UK i got caught up is so much daily living it has taken until now to actually sit down and write!!!

At the last Blog I was still at the Hare Krsna Farm in Malaysia about to head back to Singapore ..... and so we shall continue ..............

When I returned from the Farm in Malaysia to stay with Lisa and Co. in Singapore, Steve's parents were over for Christmas so the apartment was quiet full.

With two Grandmothers to fuss over her, Emelia had an amazing time.

We went for walks around the pool,

we swung on the rocking seat,

we played in the children's area at the complex and we went out for dinner every night.

I am sure I have mentioned before that eating out is incredibly cheap in the food courts that are dotted throughout the city.

With air conditioning, no dishes to was up and no standing over a hot stove in an even hotter kitchen, it is the ideal way to dine each evening.

I made various excursions to the Krsna Temple in Little India and was even invited to attend a wedding there.

Dressed in one of the new sari's I had bought during my shopping trips, I left the apartment nice and early so I could attend morning arti.

The usual boisterous dancing that normally accompanies the early morning worship was notable absent,

but given that the entire place was decorated with beautifully intricate designs and petals, it was quite understandable!

Weddings, along with most of the Temples celebrations tend to be a bit smoky!!

As the couple said aloud their vows, they threw grains and gee onto the fire, sending the most amazing aromas, plus a lot of smoke, spiralling up until it filled the room.

Carefully the betrothed couple stepped around the fire, as the rest of the assembled devotees chanted and sang.

Then it was time for them to take the seven steps into wedlock.

At each carefully placed design they stopped and recited verses prompted by the senior devotee conducting the service.

At last they reached the alter where Jagannath, Balarama and Subhatra witnessed their final vow!

It was an amazing event and I felt hugely honoured to have been part of it.

The food afterwards was incredible and it was with great sadness that I eventually left and made my way back across Singapore.

Chinese New Year was fast approaching as was Emelia's first Birthday.

Decorations adorned the streets

and inside the apartment coloured paper was cut and stuck to make rainbows that would be the theme of Emelia's Birthday celebration.

I made more trips to Little India buying sari's in the seven colours of the rainbow.

While walking through all the brightly coloured stalls I also bought seven scarves, and then found another seven!

This was turning into a very rainbow Birthday!

Debbie and John had brought over the most amazing swim suit for Emelia and every other day we all headed to the hot pool in the grounds to lounge about while Emelia splashed and had fun.

Who needs a TV when you have a little one to watch and it is even better when they are not your responsibility too!!

In the apartment each evening, after we had eaten and Emelia had gone to bed I cut and stuck more and more rainbows together.

Labels were made for all the different foods, again in rainbows and bit by bit we finalised the preparations!

In all of the condo's there is a function room you can hire for events and as the apartment was going to be too small for all the people that had been invited, the morning of Emelia's first birthday, everything that had been prepared was ferried down in boxes trolleys and anything else was could find.

The sari's were hung

as were the scarves.

Food was laid out and labelled.

Toys were placed to occupy the little ones and then the people arrived.

I am not entirely sure if Emelia was aware it was her Birthday but she loved all the attention and found the large glass patio doors absolutely fascinating!!!

Debbie and John left not long after Em's Birthday but not before we all managed another trip to one of the many parks that intersperse Singapore.

With its amazing infrastructure of roads, shopping malls, MRT's and buildings, Singapore functions like a well oiled clock.

Yet it is wonderful to step outside of the hassle and bustle to wander aimlessly around the greenery that fills the huge open parkways.

Carrying a small child strapped to your chest however, leads to a rather warm walk.

Eating an ice-cream while carrying a small child strapped to your chest proved to be quite interesting!

Lisa and Steve had also organised a special treat for us all before we all parted ways, a Birthday shoot set in the fabulous Botanical Gardens!

Emelia was definitely the star of this show and apart from the now famous Child in a Hat photo, had an amazing time!

This is possible my favourite photo ever!

Chinese New Year is a huge event in most countries.

With the large Chinese population of Singapore, preparations begin months in advance.

The streets are decorated, red ribbons are wrapped around nearly every bush and tree and the Dancing Lion and Dragon's visit every neighbourhood!

Emelia was only a month old when the last drum bashing, cymbal crashing event had taken place.

This year however she was up and about, so dressed in her newest red dress we all made our way down to poolside to await the parade.

The Lucky man walked by shaking hands and giving us all a wave.

The Lion jumped and danced his way around,

And then the Dragon whirled its way around the complex.

Considering the noise and excitement Emelia coped extremely well and seemed to enjoy most of the entertainment.

Some of it was a wee bit bewildering but all in all it was the first of many parades she was to witness.
She even made some new friends!

And me? I just loved getting all the chocolates!!

As the days drew nearer to my visit to Kris in the Philippines, and with the excitement of all the parties fading behind us, Lisa and I spent the evenings making things for me to sell during the festival season.

I ordered beads via the internet and strung them onto the metal bars ready for Lisa to twist them into ear rings.

I have always enjoyed making things but the enjoyment of making things with Lisa is something else.

Every night she twisted and curled the wires until nearly all the beads were gone.

The result was over 80 sets of ear rings!

Although Emelia was now walking quite well while holding hands with someone, she hadn't quite managed any steps alone.

Literally the week before I left to go and see Kris she amazed us all by walking unaided!

Our Baby Emelia was now a Toddler!

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