Friday 27 January 2017

Summer 2016 Part 1

Returned to UK March 18th 2016 

My return to the UK was heralded by the reopening of the Shop in Corris.

John and Sanne were due back into the country in a week so I quickly dug out the old blue ski suit, redesigned the shop and opened the doors in anticipation of the Easter crowds.

The hair, although fading and showing a fair amount of darker roots, was still looking good and blended with my clothing beautifully!

Baskets were refilled with pyrography rounds,

the shelves were restocked with new sayings, poems were written out and hung on the walls.

Following the success of Story Telling in the shop and the sale of my book, I had decided over the winter to try my hand at festival work. For this I needed stock of my own.

I had brought some things back from Malaysia and Singapore but a stock of pyrography was needed.

 I had a garage full of drying wood scavenged the autumn before when everyone had been pruning back the trees for the winter. 

This was then cut into slices and an entire day off was spent using the Workshops belt sander to make them into rounds ready for designs.

My first creations turned into Brygins! Complete with a little story …....

I am a Brigyn!
I come from a long line of Brigyns that once lived in a huge forest.
I am looking for a friend with whom I can explore the world.
Will you be my friend?
I am easy to look after as all I need is a pocket or a place to sit.
I promise to keep you company and smile at you every time you need a smile.
Brigyn Loves You x x x

I made Thank You's with flowers on the back.

I made Kisses and Hugs, I even made sayings!

By the end of the.month I was pyroed out!!!

I had also been invited to perform some of my poetry in a pop up session at Ali's shop during the Comedy Festival.

A few posters were put up, I made official tickets as the place only held 15 people and practised my poems until I had a flowing program.

David and Linda bought tickets even though they knew most of my poems due to the amount of practice I did with them and although loads of people sounded interested no actual tickets were sold!

The evening of my performance I decorated the back room with throws and cushions from Lady Sage, had a few sips of cider to settle my nerves and waited. And waited. One by one a few children wandered in with a few parents in tow. I told three stories and recited a few poems and with smiles on their faces and a few sleepy looks they all left.

I had had maybe 8 people for the free performance, what would I do if no one came at 8pm? I drank the rest of the cider. It would be fine I told myself, if no one came then no one came, it was one of my biggest fears but at least I would have to deal with it.

David and Linda arrived and we waited together. By 8.30 it was agreed that no one was coming so we packed up and as they refused to have a refund on their tickets I took them next door for a drink.  My first charging for tickets performance was over, I was alive, the world hadn't ended and I was no longer worried about people coming to see me. When people came, I enjoyed myself, when no one came ….well I still enjoyed myself but in a different way!

In the shop, after the rush of the Easter Break, things became very quiet. My pyrography was much better and quicker with all the practice I was getting at home and the shelves at work were beginning to overflow with stock.

John suggested doing more complicated work that took longer each piece and so I began to draw.

Boats and rocks became popular and took an entire day so I made more.

I made a Ganesh,

drew trees, a shark, a fish

and generally had fun.

Pyrography lessons had reached a new level!!!

In 2015 I had worked for my ticket at Fire in the Mountain Festival. 

The whole experience had been amazing and I had made some good friends so it was with delight that I accepted their offer to work again in 2016.

I had ordered a new Market Stall from a company in Mid Wales and although it wasn't ready yet I borrowed a pop up Gazebo from David and Linda figuring I could set up a shop at this years event. 

I parked in the main area, got permission for the shop and wandered down to the healing area.

This year they planned to have a cafe where people could sit and relax while they booked in for massages rather than just a booking Tent.

It was in need of some designing so I headed straight back to Lady Sage and filled my arms with bunting and sari's! 

By the end of an hour we had a cafe!

With extra staff to book people in and run the cafe this year, I hoped to have free time to open my shop for about 5 hours a day. 

That sort of went out the window the first day as no one had thought about arranging anyone for the Friday morning. 

As I was there I stepped in and ended up working until the evening.

Saturday morning one of the girls had child care problems so I covered her shift then my own but did open the shop in the evening for about 3 hours before it got dark, and on the Sunday I sorted all the money out from the bookings so again I only opened the shop for a few hours in the afternoon but I did make £80!

Festival work, I decided, was doable.

I might not get rich but I could cover my costs and have fun!!


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