Wednesday 20 December 2017


One of the many jobs I do to occupy myself while in the UK, is to work the bar at the Centre for Alternative Technology or C.A.T. For short.

A few years ago, Sophia, who had once been a volunteer at the Workshop, returned to the area to take up the position as their Catering Manager.

(She also bought a double decker bus to live in and rented a few acres to run a small holding but that is a different story!!)

During a chance conversation one evening soon after I returned from my winter travels, she asked if I knew anyone who could work the bar as she and Scott, her other half were having to work double shifts as they had no one to work the bar.

As the hours worked around the shop and taxi's I had said I could help out short term until they found someone. 

That was now three years ago!!

To be fair it is an amazing job. I have a zero hour contract which means I work when I want to and if I have something else to do …... I don't!

This leaves me free to work festivals, travel for the winter, in fact do anything I want to do plus it gives me a great night out when I actually want to work!!

The highlight of my month is Student week when the place fills with hugely diverse people all wishing to learn more about sustainable building. 

I have Dip Profs, Reebies, Short Courses and Masters all mingling together, studying and talking and of course drinking.

Most of the degree courses last 18 months, with the students turning up for just one week every month and either studying or working else where the rest of the time. 

During this time I become mentally involved with their projects as they are discussed around the bar, plus I get to go to all the great openings/launches!!

Although I love all my customers, it is these guys who become my best friends!

Over the three years I have been there, three lots of students have passed through my hands. 

Flo, Koisty and the crowd were the first to educate me in the art of Friday Socials, while I enriched their lives with poems and till roll stories.

When Spencer, Lewis, Harry and Jack bonded as the UFCL a year later I became their honorary mother, nudging them off to bed and making sure they drank some water in between the shots!!!

Jack and co were my third intake and to be fair I deserted them after only three months as my travels last year became extended.

But it was the wedding invitation I received from Gwyn and Lauren, students from my second year at the bar, that made me realise that my students were more than just friends, they were family!!!

The trip to France had been timed specifically so I could be back for the wedding and having cleaned Lady Sage and removed at least half of the wine, I filled her with provisions and 48 hours later I turned her around to head down the coast to South Wales.

This wedding was not going to be your simple church and reception affair, over and done with in a day. 

Since their Graduation, although they had all stayed in touch and some now even worked together, others from this closely bonded team, had scattered all over the world! 

We had people flying in from New Zealand, vans driving back across Europe and up from Spain,. We had people coming straight from festivals, some with the aim to return once the weekend was done.

Camping areas had been set up not only in Gwyn's garden but had also spread to the neighbours, we even had a compost loo dug by Spencer and co.

Vans were parked down by the beach and the tiny village of Lansteffan welcomed the C.A.T students and friends with open arms .........

.........and maybe a few open mouths!!!!

The day before the wedding people pitched tents and caught up on the news. 

Beer was drunk, vans were checked out, stories were swapped and as evening approached we all headed to the beach for a BBQ complete with Pat's Band from Machynlleth!!

The CAT reunion was well under way!!

The actual wedding on the Sunday had been timed beautifully to allow hangovers to be sorted and the all night party goers to sleep!

Brushed and scrubbed we met up in the pub 

(you can see a theme emerging here can't you)

before heading over the road to the church.

The church is built in the shape of a cross allowing the CAT crew to crowd into one of the side alcoves giving us fabulous views of the wedding couple. 

Party packs were handed out to the kids while wedding Bingo on the back of the service sheets occupied the grown ups!

The service was wonderful and as the newly married Mr and Mrs Bobbing went off to sign the register, children opened their packs and began blowing bubbles!

Ippy (me) however always travels with at least one pack of bubbles!!!

Note the basket!!!!

Having seen that bubbles were obviously allowed in church I began to blow bubbles of my own..... 

.....lots of Big Bubbles!!!

As the bubbles drifted over the CAT Crew heads, others looked around and smiled.

Soon three of my bubble wands had spread through our alcove and bubbles now drifted into the main part of the church much to the surprise of the non student guests!!

The sun was amazing as we left the church, blowing bubbles and throwing confetti as we went. 

In fact it was so nice we all headed to the beach for Pimms and cakes on the sand!!!

Shoes were removed, as were jackets.

Trouser legs were rolled up and in proper British Architectural style, buckets and spades appeared to dig holes and build sand castles!!

As I said before this was not your average wedding!!

Fabulous caterers served our evening meal in the village hall, seating was around long communal tables or on picnic blankets on the ground, speeches were short and funny, and the play list compiled by Gwyn was extensive!

At midnight we made an arch of hands that led from the entrance of the Village Hall all the way to the special little guest house around the corner where the newly married couple would spend the night ................

......................we had to do a bit of running as the back people ran to the front, but we kept the couple beneath an arch the entire way!!

As a gift I gave them a tiny tree I had grown in a pint glass from the bar. 

The seed was one that I picked up during my trek up Cader Idris , I also added some shells from Aberdyfi. 

A little bit of Mid Wales was now placed in the South forever.

The drive back to Machynlleth on the Sunday was relaxed. 

In Three weeks I had driven from Mid Wales to France, and now to South Wales and back!

I now had an entire two days free before we all needed to head down to Rhos on Wye for the final festival of the season …...!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! If i am ever involved in wedding planning, i shall use the "wedding bingo" during the service! Brilliant!
