Friday 22 December 2017

Cider Festival 2008 - 2017

The first time I was ever invited to the Cider Festival in Rhos on Wye was way back in 2008.

The farm is owned by the God father of my daughter's boyfriend (who eventually became her husband!) so it had become a sort of family tradition for the Fox family to attend the amazing Festival held there each year.

The Festival holds a Farmers Market on the final day so that first year I took some of my crafts along. 

Normally I sold them on a market stall in Machynlleth called Fresh and Local that I had helped start up a few years previously.

The festival was amazing and my stall did incredibly well so I turned up again the following year!!

this time taking Peter and the family with me!

As the years passed by Peter and the children continued to enjoy the pleasures of the Farm,

So I took some friends!!

Over the years I took lots of friends!!

Each year our camping area expanded as we grew and grew in numbers and size!

In fact we became pretty famous as the Festival within the Festival!!

Two years ago I told my first story under the parachute awning set up for the children's area.

The following year I was formally invited to be their Storyteller, payment was my ticket in plus some cider!!

This year I not only had the Story Hall but was now a seasoned festival storyteller and I was ready to ply my trade!!

Home was set up in the main Orchard, virtually in the same place I had first camped with Lisa and Steve all those years before.

By special permission plus the promise to arrive at least a day early and leave at least a day late so no one could see, Lady Sage was also allowed into the NO VEHICHLES ALLOWED field!! 

To be fair we camouflaged her quite well and I must admit camping is just not the same without a van. Comfortable beds off the floor with carpets and insulation are NOT overrated!!

Flag poles were erected and stock was displayed.

I had been asked to Story Tell just for an hour on the Saturday but after a season of practice I was happy to Story Tell on Demand!

Cian had modified the bottle launcher since our time at Fairborne and 'Decorate you own Rocket for Free' was a huge success!! 

Each day the sound of 'Pop, Whoosh!!' could be heard as plastic bottles were launched high into the air with a spray of water in their wake.

Each day Peter modified another rocket to make it better and higher!

The position of the stall couldn't have been better.... more by luck than by careful planning!!!

The sun rose behind it and the trees either side gave us shade when needed. 

People came to play games of backgammon and to chill out on cushions in the shade.

We had one great afternoon sitting in the sun while being entertained by some people who just arrived and started to play all the instruments we had lying around while the rest of us chilled and listened.

Grown ups as well as children came for stories and to generally have fun.

Even Rohan, who had first come to the Cider Festival at the ripe old age of 6 months, embraced the festival mood by offering Face paint for free!!

and a damn fine job he did of it too!!

In the evenings we danced and drank, when the clouds came we sat inside the Story Hall and told stories while wearing hats!

On the last day as people packed up in the rain, we gathered together in the Story hall for a great jamming session with all the instruments in the shop ...

....... while still wearing hats, luckily I have LOTS of hats!!!

To say it was a success is an understatement.

I had so many compliments, so many smiles and such amazing feed back that I have been booked for next year already!!

Ippy the Trainee Storyteller is now an established career!!

Bookings are now being taken for 2018!!!!


  1. You are really good at improv - especially when it comes to life!

  2. Thanks Daisyfae! Thanks for all the lovely comments too, I see you have caught up after your travels, where did you go? x x x
