Thursday 26 February 2015

Blog 17 Sentosa Island

As Lisa still had another three weeks to go before baby bump was due into the world, we were in no rush to finalise the baby shopping.

We popped out between our games of back gammon to the shopping mall at Jurang point to look at a few things but I spent most of my time while I was there wondering how they had fitted an entire ice rink as well as supporting shops, restaurants and viewing gallery onto the 4th floor!

Lisa showed me the water parks and play areas that occupy many of the mall roof tops.

After Mommy has hit the shops for a while, the kids get to play in the most amazing surroundings.

The interactive flower bells were definitely my favourite and even though we had no children with us yet I spent a very happy ten minutes going from flower to flower and experimenting with the sound effects I could achieve!


On Wednesday 21st January Lisa and Steve had a doctors appointment to check on baby's progress so I took the opportunity to visit Vivo City just across the bay from Sentosa Island while they visited the hospital.

The MRT was amazingly quiet as we landed at Harbour Front, the last stop on the circle line.

Lisa's instructions had been to head straight to the roof space rather than try to navigate my way through the mall from the MRT station and having entered the mall, it seemed like very good advice!

Four escalators later I emerged onto the roof amazed to find that it looked like a landscaped water park!

Decked walkways meandered around large pools, complete with sculptures.

I headed along the decking towards the sea fronted balcony and gazed down at the steps and walkways.

Restaurants with huge glass windows fronted the sides of the mall, all overlooking the causeway and its array of boats.

(Plus the docks?)

There are various ways to reach Sentosa Island. You can catch a special shuttle that darts back and forth above the causeway.

You can take the cable car that offers amazing views.

You can drive your car or take a bus across the bridge or you can walk!

I was in no rush so I chose to walk.

Walking is possibly not the most accurate way to describe my journey across to the island.

There were parts I did indeed stroll along but most of it was done via long moving walkways like the ones found in airports. They even had one way signs for those not sure which way to walk!!

In the middle of the causeway an elevated area (yes the moving floor went up hills too!) allowing views and photo shoots.

Two large restaurants lay beneath the viewing gallery with dramatic steps leading down.

There was also a lift.

I took the opportunity to use the public loo between the restaurants only to find ornate basins of varying levels sectioned away by bamboo screens that in turn were set into a bed of perfectly round white pebbles!

Full length mirrors reflected spotless surroundings complete with plants!

Deciding to physically walk the second half of the causeway, I past beds of tropical plants and trees, all labelled with detailed descriptions of habitat and life span!

At the end of the walkway I paid my dollar to pass through the turn-style gate and picked up my free map.

To my left a 'You are Here' style sign announced my location.

I looked at the map, I looked at the sign. Why did they look so different??

As I had no aim, bar to explore for a few hours, I popped the map into my bag and stepped onto the board walk.

Sentosa Island was designed purely as a tourist destination. Theme parks, marine parks, shopping malls and more cover the island.

Giant sweets and candies hang from buildings.

Universal Studios offer guided walks, museums, galleries and fountains offer entertainment to suit all tastes.

Incredible fountains cover vast areas of land, meander up steps and cascade over infinity edges.

As the clouds gathered over head and thunder rolled in the distance I entered a huge covered area. Along either side hotel fronts and restaurants sported men in uniform who opened doors for the passing clientèle.

Rain began to fall in torrents, its patter echoing in near deafening volumes beneath the covered avenue.

Water poured from the roof tops forming fountains in their own right while lightening flashed and thunder boomed around us.

For about ten minutes people sat in the dry beneath the roof, watching the spectacle until, as suddenly as it started, the rain stopped and the thunder rolled away across the bay.

I walked out into the humid air and gazed around.

Here at the top of the hill was the Shuttle stop where the official welcome sign to Sentosa greeted the latest arrivals.

Beyond the sign, the enormous Singapore Lion said to guard the country from misfortune gazed over the sea towards the mainland.

I climbed the few steps that ran either side of the status, gazed up and then got someone to take my photo!

On the far side of the Lion some of the most fantastic mosaic sculptures wove their way down a long gentle slope.

Trees and strange mirrors lined the walkway while water tumbled over the shapes and through the pools formed by the central sculpture.

Having seen Claudia create mosaic works of art at the craft center during the summer the skill and time it had taken to create this center piece was not lost on me.

I took photo after photo as I walked noticing that each section was different yet it all blended together perfectly.

Some parts resembled snakes and creatures,

others looked like breaking waves.

Tunnels, pools, dragons and sea serpents,

so much work, so much beauty.

At the end of the walkway three large building stood, one of which held a sky diving training center. I eagerly entered the spectator lounge and watched as two people who had completed their floor training entered the wind tunnel.

The huge fans lifted them from the floor as they assumed the flying position, their trainer balancing them as they slide across the air current. For five minutes the two people hovered taking turns to enter the air flow.

Then it was over. S$99 (£50) spent but happy faces plus a certificate and a chance to buy your photo. Sentosa may have all you desire but it is not cheap!

I walked away, noting as I did the wonderful sign for the loo, and headed left to the main beach on the island.

Created with imported sand, fronted by fun fair style rides and loud music I could imagine this place being unbearable on a sunny day.

While the rain covered sky kept everyone away, it stood deserted and I thanked the Universe once more.

I hate crowed beaches!!

Out to sea the huge cargo boats and tankers waited their turn to enter the dock. It was not the usual view from a beach but in a country that has build on just about every sea fronted area, it was the best that Singapore had to offer.

I strolled back to the main courtyard and then turned right to the smaller beach.

Here beach huts and bars boasted Free Internet, drinks offered at three for the price of two along with meals of exotic pizza or fish and chips!

I text Steve to see how they were doing and got the reply to say they were still at the hospital as Lisa's blood pressure was a bit high. They were waiting to see if it would drop before they could leave. I messaged back that I would treat myself to pizza on the beach and meet them later once they left the hospital.

Assured that Lisa was being well cared for and would soon be on her way home, I settled on the beach with the sand beneath my toes and ordered a simple pizza for S$18! When I added what is normally a S$1 bottle of water to my order the price shot up to S$22! Oh the joys of a holiday camp island!

To be fair the pizza was delicious, the water was ice cold and the rest from walking was most appreciated.

Fed and watered I began my journey back across the island, stopping for another photo opportunity with the Fortune Lion.

It was only as I was about to walk back across the causeway that I noticed the strange phenomena of the disappearing cable cars!

I am not sure if planning for the rather tall building ahead of me was given AFTER the cable cars had been built or whether it was all part of a cunning plan but as I looked carefully I realised a large hole covering about three floors was missing from the high-rise building as the cable cars threaded their way through the center of it and out the other side!!

At the shopping mall I text Steve to see how things were going, only to find out that Lisa had to stay in hospital for the night and Steve was staying with her.

Steve and I agreed to meet at the MRT near the hospital so I could get the keys to the apartment and alone I returned to the flat.

Hopefully Lisa would be out by morning. Her due date was still three weeks away and as treatment regarding their pregnancy fell outside the terms of their insurance cover, a prolonged hospital stay was not something anyone had planned for!

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