Wednesday 25 February 2015

Blog 16 - Little India Weekend

Over the few days Lisa and I settled into a relaxed rhythm.

Mornings were spent cleaning, watching TV or walking to the shop.

Afternoons were spent playing backgammon by the pool with occasional visits to the hot tub.

During my time in the Kuala Lumpa temple I had been invited to visit the Singapore temple in Cuff Street. Simheswara had sent me a contact detail and mid week I sent a text message asking if it would be convenient for me to come for the weekend program plus asking for advice as to the nearest place to stay.

I received a message back saying I would be most welcome in the female ashram around the corner to the temple and that this weekend would be great as they had TWO Marahajis coming to lecture!

With Steve being home all weekend to help Lisa, I packed a small bag and headed off to Little India.

As I left the MRT I entered streets teeming with people, colours, smells and sights. Huge high rise towers stood to one side of the road, but on the far side of the road, two or three story buildings were the norm.

The temple at Cuff Street was entered through a small plain looking doorway. A narrow hall way led to a set of wide steps to the floor above. After the grandeur of the temples I had visited so far the simplicity of these surroundings was a surprise.

At the far end of the hall a staged area was curtained off as the Deities were dressed for the day. The Mataji I was to stay with popped her head from around the curtain and apologised for not being ready to greet me. I smiled, apologised for being early and sat down to chant.

Five minutes later the curtain opened presenting Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladev to the waiting congregation (me and an old gentleman who was dozing in a chair!)

Mataji smiled happily as she left the stage area along with the other ladies and together we went down stairs to take prasadam. 

Over food the program for the weekend was explained to me, I could participate as much or as little as I wished.

I asked if I could be of service but was told I was their guest and all they wanted from me was to be happy!

Together we walked to the ashram rooms that were situated on the edge of Little India. The Mataji's would be away for the weekend but I was given a set of keys, shown where everything was and told to settle in and enjoy myself.

They even arranged for one of the male devotees to walk me home from the temple that evening in case I got lost!

From the fifteenth floor the views were amazing and I spent ages just looking down on the tiny buildings and staring across the roof tops into the distance.

The contrast between old and new is amazing in Singapore. Most of the high rise buildings are new yet hidden between these towering engineered feats of glass and design, ornate plaster work and wrought iron spiral staircases can be found hidden away.

I spent the afternoon wandering around the area checking out hostels and hotels.

Lisa and Steve had asked for two weeks of alone bonding time once Baby Bump emerged and as there was a temple to occupy my time, I had decided that staying in Little India would be ideal for me.

I also checked out the shops wandering in and out of colour filled areas wishing my life style was conducive to owning at least half of everything I saw!

As evening fell I returned to the temple and took part in the evening class, finished of course with even more great prasadam!

Back at the apartment the city around me quietened for the night.

I walked along the long corridors that connected all the flats on my floor, gazing out onto the millions of tiny lights that lit up the buildings stretched across the horizon.

In the distance I could make out Marina bay with its amazing wheel.

I went to bed giving thanks once more for the generous blessings I had received, yet again, from the Universe and the devotees.

I was the only lady to attend the five am arti yet even in this male dominated setting I was made to feel safe and welcome.

The class that followed at 9am was amazing, with both Marahajis giving enlightening talks and it was well after mid afternoon before I eventually thought about leaving.

That evening, Steve, Lisa, Bump and I wandered over to the food hall for our evening meal, but I had eaten so much over the weekend that a simple bowl of dhal and roti was more than enough for me.

I had arranged to visit the Temple again the following weekend but, looking in the mirror that evening, I thought some serious pool exercise between these weekend food overloads would be needed!!

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